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Chapter Twenty Eight: Conclusion.

As Ty drove me down the long Heartland driveway I remembered everything that had happened in this place. There was the barn where I almost killed myself, that was the round pen where I trained so many horses in, that's the paddock I practiced Sky's jumping on, and out there in the pasture were all the horses people gave up on, that Amy and I trained so they could be resold. When the ranch left my view it made me sad. But what I was doing was for the best.

It seemed like hours before we got where we needed to go, but realistically, it was less than 20 minutes. I got out of the truck and Ty approached me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"Are you sure you have to leave?" he asked.
"Ty c'mon, I'll see you tomorrow," I replied.
"Oh yes, I forgot. You're not leaving the country," he teased.
"I can't even believe I even thought about leaving the country," I replied. That's right, I stayed, for some unknown reason, 16 year old Texan Tara, turned into 18 year old Canadian Tara. This place just grabbed ahold of me, and wouldn't let go, kind of like Ty right now.
"Ty, you're suffocating me," I teased. He kissed me.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, getting into his truck and leaving.

After Ty left I turned and looked at my beautiful new farm. You're greeted with the two story pure white ranch house, next to it a small garage, behind the house is a ten stall barn and training facilities, the rest of the 60 acre property was pasture, trails, and the river even crossed through. It was my little batch of heaven. My ranch in Texas? My brother decided to stay. In six short months he fell in love with a girl he dated in high school, they're engaged. She was from the south, and never wanted to leave. Nash changed his mind about the city and stayed at the old place. He said if I wanted the Texas ranch I could have it, but I didn't. Nash was upset when I told him I wasn't coming home, but I fell in love, and I wasn't going to fall out of it.

I walked around the house and to the stables. Maisie was brushing out Chance. As I entered the barn Sky and Luna whinnied at me, enjoying their new home.
"You like it here baby?" I asked Maisie.
"I love it momma, so does Chancie," Maisie replied. I laughed. I heard a truck and trailer pulling down the drive. I walked out of the barn and saw Jack exiting his truck, along with Amy.
"Nice place," Amy admired.
"Thanks, hi guys," I said, hugging them both.
"Well, we brought Harley out because Ty asked up to. And we have another surprise," Jack teased.
"It's kind of a gift from me," Amy added. They led me to the trailer. Amy brought out Harley, Jack brought out the gorgeous black mustang Amy had gentled a month ago.
"You're giving him to me?" I asked.
"He deserves a good home, someone who's good with wild horses," Amy replied. Jack and Amy followed me into the barn and they put the horses into stalls.
"You just moved in and the barn is already half filled," Jack teased. I laughed.
"It's a work in progress. I'm thinking of building a secondary barn. For boarders or client horses," I replied.

Jack came inside for coffee while Amy helped Maisie with a problem Chance was having.
"I'm real proud of you Tara. You turned your lift around, for that little girl," Jack said as he pointed outside at Maisie and Amy.
"It's what any mother would do," I replied.
"You did it for yourself too," he added.
"I guess I did, thanks Jack," I said.
"I'm so happy you decided to stay close by. You're like a daughter to me Tara, Ty like a son, I couldn't lose you both," Jack replied.
"Even if I did move, you wouldn't lose me. Or Ty for that matter," I said.
"This place, it's something special. You, you're something special," Jack admired. I gave him a smile.
"I'm glad I'm not the girl I was when I got to Heartland," I admitted.
"I'm glad you're not ether. That's a Tara neither of us want to see again," Jack replied. A tear slipped down my face. "What is it?" Jack asked.
"You all have been the best to me, I was nothing but shit. But now it's me, Ty, and Maisie against the world. I'm just, so scared I'll slip away," I admitted.
"You're not going to, if that little girl doesn't keep you going, Ty sure will," Jack replied. I hugged Jack. I've never been more happy, I'm glad I stayed.

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