Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Two Months.

Two months had now passed. Dallas and I were now an item. He wasn't a greater guy than Ty. But I loved him more! Summer break had officially started. Jack hired Dallas as another stable hand. Amy no longer had crutches and aside from marks on her legs, she would eventually be okay. Maisie will be starting, all day preschool in the Fall. Her teachers said she was so smart, they might let her skip another year of preschool! Ty and Amy have now been dating for two months. It still disgusted me, how they kiss and stuff in front of me. I think it could be Ty's way of trying to make me jealous. It's alright though. I've been dating Dallas for two months also! Oh and Lou is now eight months pregnant. She was about ready to pop!

Today I had a final doctors appointment for my wrists and my nerve damage. My doctor wants to check on me because I feel like have full feeling back into my wrist. I was coming back from a ride. Sky and I galloped to the front of the barn. I slid off her just as Ty was walking out.
"Jack thought you were disappearing so you didn't have to go back," Ty said.
"I don't want to go, but I can't wait to finally be done with the doctor," I admitted.
"I'll take Sky for you," he offered.
"Thanks," I replied. I saw Dallas drive down the driveway in his Ford truck.
"Hey babe," he said when he parked and got out.
"Hey," I replied as I ran up and kissed him. He twirled me around.
"Where's my little Maisie at?" he asked.
"I think she went for a trail ride with Mallory," I replied as he set me down.
"Oh okay. What's Ty working on today?" He asked.
"I think he and Caleb are on fence check again. Apparently some cattle rustlers have been stealing neighbors cattle. You know Tim just inherited that herd and the Big River Ranch when the owner died," I replied.
"Yeah, I should go check the herd," he replied.
"I've got to go," I said. We hugged and then I went to the house.

I went into the house and saw Jack at the table reading the paper.
"C'mon Jack we've got to go," I said.
"I can't take you but, I'd ask Ty, he'll take you," Jack said.
"Jack, you know that's not a good idea," I replied.
lGo ask Ty. If he says no, Peter can take you," Lou butt in. I stormed out of the house and saw Ty, Caleb, and Dallas riding out on Harley, Shorty (Caleb's horse), and Copper.
"Ty," I yelled. Ty said something to the guys and then galloped Harley to me.
"Jack needs you to take me to the hospital," I said.
"Yeah sure just give me a minute," he replied as he galloped off towards the barn. 

The ride to the hospital was long and excruciating. It was so weird being in the same vehicle as him. I looked out the window the whole time. I didn't want to talk to him. Or be anywhere near him.

During my appointment the doctor took off my wrist wrap and examined my wrist. Ty sat in the room the whole time. He gave me an antibiotic cream that was supposed to help the scarring.
"Thank you for coming in today," he said.
"No, thank you," I replied. Ty and I left. When we got back in his truck Ty asked,
"You want to go to Maggie's for lunch?" I looked at him and replied,
"I don't think that's such a great idea."
"What's wrong with us?" he asked.
"The problem is, there isn't an "us" anymore Ty. I have Dallas and you have Amy. Can we just be strictly friends for once?" I replied.
"Do you remember that kiss? The night in Sky's stall?" He asked.
"Of course I do! Don't remind me!" I shouted.
"Tara, I don't want that to be our last kiss," he admitted.
"I can't believe you're saying that! I'm in love with Dallas!" I yelled, lying to him and to myself. He started the truck.
"I thought I could tell you anything," he said sadly.
"You can. Just not about us." I replied. 
"I guess we're both kind of fake happy," he said under his breath. It was hard to admit but, Ty was right. I knew I wasn't actually happy with Dallas. I knew he wouldn't make a good dad for Maisie. Ty, would always be there for her though.
"You and Amy belong together," I urged.
"We do," he said reassuring himself.
"I'm not breaking up with Dallas. Even then I would still have to think about us," I said. Ty nodded. He backed out of the parking spot and started driving home.

When we got back to Heartland Maisie and Mallory were having a jumping lesson with Amy. Before Ty parked I said,
"Let me out here." Ty let me get out and I walked over to the practice arena. I sat on the fence watching as Maisie would jump Chance over the short jumps. She looked amazing. Dallas and Caleb were riding towards me.
"How was your appointment?" Dallas asked.
"Great," I replied. Caleb went off and put Shorty in his trailer. Dallas tied Copper to the fence and sat next to me.
"She looks great out there," he said.
"Yeah, she's great," I replied.
"I've been wanting to talk to you," he admitted.
"Oh yeah? About what?" I asked.
"I want to break up. I've been thinking a lot about it. I know in the long run I'm no where ready to be a dad. And everyone keeps telling me how happy you were with Ty. You just don't seem that way with me," he said. I was shocked, but he was right.
"I know, and I'm sorry. It's okay, I promise. Ty was a good father figure to Maisie. Dating is just so hard at this age, no one's ready to be a dad," I added.
"Yeah, definitely not some rodeoing ranch hand. Well, I'd better head home. I got a new job working at Big River as Amy's dad's foreman," he said.
"That great Dallas," I replied with a smile.
"I'll see you later Tara, I'm sorry, again. I'll see you around," he said.
"It's okay, bye Dallas," I replied. We hugged. He took Copper to the barn and then he left.

I went into the barn and saddled Sky.
"Where are you going?" Ty asked.
"Out," I replied.
"Dallas didn't unsaddle Copper. You should for Mallory," Ty said.
"You know what Ty? I'm busy right now, you do it," I snapped.
"Woah Tara, what's wrong?" He asked.
"Just leave me alone," I said. I mounted Sky and then we were off.

"You're looking good Maisie," Amy said as she admired how she and Chance worked. She was surprised how well a four year old could ride. Maisie rode Chance over to Amy. "He's looking very good," Amy said noticing his scars were gone.
"My mommy says I've done a good job with him," Maisie bragged.
"You have," Amy replied with a laugh. "You have a real gift. Like your mom."
"Thanks. I'm going to go brush out Chance now," Maisie said. She galloped Chance to the barn. Maisie noticed Ty ride out of the barn on Harley. He went and started talking to Amy.

I stopped riding when I got to an opening in the woods. There were fallen trees and stumps all set up like a jumping course. I took Sky over the jumps several times. These silly little jumps were so fun. It was nice, just Sky, nature, and me. We'd been jumping for about 30 minutes when I was ready to be done. Sky was slowing down a bit anyways. I don't really know what happened. But we were mid jump when Sky spooked from something in the woods. When she landed, I wasn't focused and I flew right over her shoulders, falling in the grass. I felt so defeated with life, I wasn't in pain from the fall, but I just laid there and stared up at the cloud filled sky.

I laid there for almost an hour when Ty showed up. He must've seen Sky standing around riderless and freaked a bit.
"Tara?!" He yelled. I raised my arm into the air.
"Here," I shouted. I heard him running towards me.
"Oh my god are you okay?" He asked as he towered over me.
"Yes Ty, I'm fine," I replied. He sighed.
"Jesus, seeing Sky scared the shit out of me," he said.
"Sorry," I replied.
"It's fine. What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just looking at the clouds," I replied.
"Why?" He asked.
"I fell off of Sky and just didn't want to get back up," I replied. He chuckled and then laid next to me.
"Can we talk?" he asked.
"Of course," I replied.
"I just wanted to say, I was talking with Amy about my mixed feelings. She freaked and then broke up with me," he said. I laughed.
"What?" he asked.
"Guys aren't supposed to talk about their feelings," I joked.
"Shut up," he replied with a laugh.
"This is what I like. Being with you, in private. I love being with you. I'm always upset when I'm not with you," I admitted.
"I feel the same way," he said. I laid my head on his shoulder. I wanted to take things slow this time, if there even was a this time.

HeartlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora