Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Party.

When Scott left I put Chance into his stall. I saw Mallory in Copper's stall.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"I stayed the night in your bed. I hope you don't mind. I needed to stay so I could be here to do the morning feedings," she said.
"No, that's fine dear. Thank you for feeding the horses," I replied.
"Anytime," she said.
"I'm going to work with one of the client horses. Where is Lou's schedule?" I asked.
"It's in the laptop. There's printed copies on the desk," she said.

I went to the office and got a copy of the schedule. The horse that started training at ten was Flame. Her problem was that she doesn't trailer, Flame would be an easy fix. I went to the stall Flame was in and took her outside. I tied her to the hitching post and then I went to Jack's truck and used it to take the horse trailer to the pasture entrance. For Flame to get to the pasture, she had to go through the trailer. I turned off the truck and went to get Flame. I untied her from the hitching post and led her towards the trailer. She instantly freaked as I opened the trailer doors. She reared and kicked, all the while I kept hanging onto the lead rope. I turned around and tried using all my strength to pull her back down. As her front hooves went into the air and came crashing back down her left one fell and struck me on the back, just below my shoulders, I fell to the ground and laid there in pain. Through the struggle I let go of her lead rope and she ran down the driveway. I laid flat on my stomach in pain, unable to catch my breath, the horse had knocked the air from my lungs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Ty.
"Hello," he answered groggily. He had just woken up.
"Ty.... I was just.... kicked.... by a horse," I said out of breath. He hung up and was outside in seconds.
"Are you okay?" he asked frantically.
"It really hurts," I replied. He untucked my shirt and pulled it up away from my back.
"It's really bruised," he said.
"It hurts," I cried still out of breath.
"Mallory!" Ty yelled. Mallory came running from the barn.
"Oh my god what happened?" Mallory asked.
"She's fine, go get he horse," he demanded. She ran off after Flame. "I'm going to carry you inside," he said to me. He rolled me onto my back.
"Ow! It hurts!" I yelled.
"You could've broken your collar bone," he said.
"Just hurry and get me inside," I begged.
"I'll take you to the loft," he said as he carefully picked me up.

I had been laying on my stomach in bed for about an hour now. Ty has been icing my back.
"How does it feel?" he asked.
"It hurts like a bitch," I replied.
"I texted Lou, Jack, and Amy that you got kicked. I'm assuming they're all asleep still," he said.
"You have to go wake them up or they won't be able to wake up tomorrow," I said. He laughed.
"Is mommy okay?" Maisie asked as she woke up.
"Mommy got kicked by a horsey," Ty replied.
"Are you helping mommy?" she asked.
"Yes Maze. You could help me out," he said.
"With what?" she asked.
"Go wake everyone up," he said.
"Okay," she replied all excited like. She ran out of the loft.
"Thanks for helping me," I said when Maisie left.
"Anytime, I'm always here for you," he replied.
"Today is her birthday," I said.
"I know, I saw the note," he responded.
"Did you tell her happy birthday?" I asked.
"Yeah I did," he replied. He continued icing my back. It was kind of awkwardly silent.
"I miss you," he said.
"I know," I replied.
"You understand right?" He asked. He took the ice off my back and I rolled over, ignoring the pain that shot through my body.
"Of course I do," I replied. I sat up and hugged him.
"I know I was upset this morning, but that's to be expected, you're my best friend Ty, I couldn't ask for anyone better," I said. We kept hugging for what seemed like forever. When we released from the hug, I laid back on my stomach and Ty put the ice on my back again.

A little while later Jack came into the loft with Lou.
"Are you okay?" Lou asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. It stills hurts though," I replied.
"What happened?" Jack asked.
"I was working with the new client horse and I got kicked," I replied.
"Let me see," Lou said. Ty lifted up my shirt to show the bruise.
"Ouch," Jack joked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Peter and I are going house hunting and Grandpa is going to Lisa's for dinner so we can't have a birthday party for Maisie," Lou said.
"Oh okay," I replied.
"Amy and I already had a dinner date planned at Maggie's," Ty added.
"Okay, I'll just celebrate with a small dinner for the two of us," I said.
"Did you buy Maisie a horse yet?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, Chance," I replied.
"That horse that was attacked by the wolf," Lou asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Why?" Jack asked.
"I told her she had to fix him after she said he was broken," I replied.
"That's a wonderful thing, anyways we've got to go," Lou said. Lou and Jack left the loft.
"Have fun tonight at Maggie's," I said to Ty, not really meaning it, I was just upset no one could be here for Maisie. I pulled my shirt down and stood up. Pain shot through my back, but I left the loft anyways and went down to do the night's feedings.

Ty had left with Amy for Maggie's, Lou and Peter left, and so did Jack. Mallory was over caring for Copper, Maisie was brushing Chance, and I was polishing tack. It was about six o'clock when my phone buzzed. A text from Ty read,
"Amy and I want you to join us." I texted him back saying,
"I'm not about to make my daughter and I the third wheel on your date." He responded quickly,
"You will NOT be a third wheel, come on, she wants to thank you."
"Okay, we're on our way." I text back. I put down the cloth I was using and walked over to the girls.
"Ty and Amy want us to join them for dinner. Do you want to come Mallory?" I asked.
"Sure," she replied.
"Let's go," I said. We went towards the house and took Lou's car. I started driving us to Maggie's. I didn't really want to go. I was kind of jealous. It was hard thinks about Ty with Amy

I parked Lou's car a bit aways from the diner because the place was packed. I wondered why they invited us when there probably was no where to sit. I opened the door and everyone turned around and shouted,
"Surprise!" I put my hands to my mouth. It was a surprise party they threw  for Maisie!
"Happy birthday Maisie!" Jack exclaimed. Jack had his arm around Lisa. Maybe they made it official? Ty came up and hugged Maisie.
"This is so awesome," I said.
"We have cake," Ty responded.
"Cake!" Maisie yelled. Maisie ran off to the bar where they had the cake. Ty hugged me.
"Are you sure you want to do that with Amy around?" I asked.
"She knows we're friends," Ty assured me. Soraya cranked up the music.
"Hey girl," Soraya said as she came up and hugged me.
"So that's Maisie?" she asked.
"Yes, my pride and joy," I replied sarcastically as we watched Ty smear frosting all over her face. We both laughed.
"I heard about Ty and Amy. It's a shock you guys broke up. After everything you've been through," she said.
"I know, but they belong together," I replied with a hint of sarcasm.
"Maisie looks so much like you. The red hair is almost identical!" She exclaimed.
"Except hers is a little lighter," I replied with a laugh.
"What's it feel like? You know, being a mom?" I asked.
"It's the best feeling in the world. I have a true mini me. She amazing and I love having someone who depends on me," I replied. Soraya smiled.

A cute guy approached Soraya and I.
"Oh my god! I have been meaning to introduce you to Dallas ever since you and Ty broke up. Anyways, Dallas this is Tara. Tara this is Dallas," Soraya introduced us.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hello," he said. Dallas was cute. He had gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair. He had a cowboy hat on which made me even more interested. Dallas had a strong muscular build to him. His hair had that swishy effect to it that showed he flipped his hair a lot. He was just gorgeous. "Would you like to dance?" he asked as a slow song came on.
"Sure. Soraya watch Maisie?" I asked.
"Oh course," she replied. He took my hand and we started slow dancing.
"You're a very pretty girl," Dallas admired.
"Thank you. You're not to bad looking yourself," I replied with a laugh. I noticed Ty looking at us. I looked away and at Dallas' eyes.
"What do you do?" he asked.
"I help train horses at Heartland," I answered.
"Oh yeah! You're one of the miracle girls," he teased.
"That's me, now shut up," I teased.

After a few more hours of partying we all left and were back at Heartland. Jack, Lou, Amy, and Peter had all went inside. Mallory had left for home. Ty and I we doing night check.
"So who's that new guy?" he asked.
"A friend Soraya introduced me to," I replied.
"What's his name?" Ty asked.
"Dallas," I replied kind of annoyed.
"Oh, uh, okay," Ty said.
"Why does it matter?" I asked.
"It doesn't okay," he snapped.
"You know Ty, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous," I teased.
"Shut up," he replied. I looked at him and he looked at me.
"I still love you. But you moved on. That means I have too," I said.
"I haven't moved on. It's just taking time. I'm happy with Amy," he urged.
"Then stop rubbing it in my face," I begged.
"I'm not," he argued.
"Be with Amy. I really don't care," I gave in. I ran up the loft steps I took a folded blanket out of my wardrobe and went back downstairs.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"It's your bed," I replied as I went into Sky's stall. I laid down in the soft bedding. I looked up and Ty looked down at me.
"You suck, you know that right," he teased.
"Your such a jerk," I said. He opened Sky's stall and sat next to me. He looked at me. I sat up. We kissed. We looked at each other and then kissed again and again and again and-.
"Stop!" I shouted.
"Shit," he blurted.
"You have a different girlfriend now! What are we doing?" I yelled.
"You and Maisie can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep in yours," he said.
"Space is good. Thank you," I replied.

The next morning was different. I woke up with Maisie by my side, and not Ty. I loved the mornings when Ty and I would wake Maisie up together. Then Maisie would come and snuggle us both. It still really hurt me, the fact that Amy and Ty are dating. I said that I didn't care, but really I do, I'm always going to love him.

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