Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four: Aftermath.

I woke up the next morning with a major migraine from crying myself to sleep the night before. I looked out the window to see Ty and Maisie riding Chance together around the driveway. Amy was hosting a clinic in the round pen. Mallory was hosing off Copper beside the barn. I saw Jack, in the distance, feeding the pasture horses. Lou was just driving away, I assumed she was heading to the dude ranch for the weekend visitors. Today was Friday and it was a Canadian holiday of some kind, everyone got a four day weekend, something like that. It was going to be a very busy weekend.

     I took a shower and blow dried my hair. I then straightened it and put it in a ponytail. I put on some riding jeans and flannel. I put my phone in my pocket and then went downstairs.
"Good morning aunty Tara," Peter said in a baby voice as he waved Katie's hand.
"Good morning to you Katie," I said. She giggled.
"It amazes me how good you are with kids," Peter admired.
"I think it's a teenager thing," I joked. I walked to the kitchen and quickly ate a banana. I then slipped on my boots and went out to the barn.

Just before I got into the barn Scott drove down the driveway.
"Tara grab a lead!" Scott yelled. I ran into the barn and grabbed a lead rope. Tim was with him. They both stood at the back ready to open the trailer. I could hear a very angry horse inside.
"What's in there?" I asked.
"A wild horse. She got into a fight with another herd's lead mare and this one was left to the wolves," Tim said.
"We have her cross tied in there all you have to do is clip on the lead and hang on," Scott said.
"You guys brought her for me?" I asked confused.
"It's the horse that spooked Sky," Tim said. That's all he needed to say to convince me. This was the horse that killed Bria.
"I want to help," I said.

They opened the doors and that angered the mare. She was a gorgeous black and white spotted Appaloosa. She looked as if she was around five years old. She had cuts all over her. Amy's clinic of three people was distracted by the loud mare.
"Shut the doors I'll be right back," I said to Scott and Tim. I ran over to the round pen and hopped up the fence. "Can you move to the practice pen? I can't put this one in a stall," I asked.
"Are you guys okay with moving to the other pen?" Amy asked her class. The three people nodded. I opened the pen gate and Amy led Spartan out. She was followed by the three people and their horses.

I ran back over to the trailer and saw Ty and Maisie still riding. I yelled to him and he came riding over.
"Will you go on the trails for a ride? I don't want Chance to get spooked and throw one or both of you," I said.
"Sure trails would be fun. Right Maisie?" Ty asked.
"Okay," she said. Ty trotted Chance off towards the trails. I turned my attention back towards Scott and Tim.
"Let's get started. Tim, I'm going to need your jacket," I said. Tim took off his jacket and handed it to me. They opened the trailer and I went inside. The mare looked terrified. I knew exactly what to do. I tied Tim's jacket on the mares head to cover her eyes. I clipped on my lead. She seemed relaxed. I un-clipped the cross ties and let them drop. I then carefully led her out of the trailer. She stopped right at the edge. I tapped her right leg and she then stepped out of the trailer. I led her into the round pen. I took off Tim's jacket and then the halter and lead. I walked out of the pen. Amy and her class were applauding me. I didn't even know they were watching. Scott and Tim shut the trailer.
"Thanks Tara," Scott said.
"No, thank you. I'll have this horse gentled and rideable by snowfall," I replied. Scott handed me ointment.
"Put this on the cuts. It'll help prevent infection," he said.
"Okay thanks," I replied taking the medicine.

Scott and Tim left, Amy continued with her class, and I stood on the pen fence watching my new mare run around the pen. Mallory came up to the pen after putting Copper away. We watched the mare trot around the pen.
"What are you going to name her?" Mallory asked.
"I don't know. Luna, Storm, Bo, Smokey, Willow," I suggested.
"I like Luna," Mallory said.
"That's my first choice," I replied. "Luna," I cooed. Luna perked her ears forwards and raised her head up.
"Luna it is," Mallory said. I laughed.

After a few hours of teaching Luna her name, Cleo's owner came driving down the driveway. She hopped out and her daughter was with her. They came up to me.
"Cleo is yours. The owner didn't know she was blind and my lawyer said I couldn't sue," she said.
"My offer still stands," I said.
"She's yours for one grand," she offered.
"Deal. I'll take it out of her costs here. There's still extra cost, of course my personal training. I won't charge you though," I shot back.
"Deal," she said. We shook on it. Her daughter thanked me, said goodbye to Cleo, and they left.

I put a bridle on Sky and a bareback pad. I put a halter on Cleo and hooked up a lead. I used a hay bail to climb up onto Sky and then I started riding down the trails towards the dude ranch.

When I got there I saw a ton of guests. Lou was scrambling everywhere trying to help the families. I rode to the pasture. The dude ranch had 15 other horses. I hopped off Sky and tied her up. I untied Cleo and led her to the pasture. Lou came up to me.
"Who is this?" she asked.
"Cleo, your new trail horse," I replied.
"Sweet!" She exclaimed. A woman yelled for Lou. "Gotta go," she said. I turned around and saw a little girl petting Sky. She reminded me of Maisie.
"Hi sweetie," I sweetly greeted.
"Hi," she replied shyly. She then ran away. I got on Sky and rode back home.

Halfway home, on the trail, Sky started acting weird.
"What's wrong girl?" I asked. She reared. "Woah girl!" I yelled. Sky threw me. I landed hard on the ground. She galloped down the trail, back the way we came. Her bareback pad fell off and landed next to me. I rubbed my head trying to clear my shaken vision and then I turned around to face my worst nightmare.

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