Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Help.

I was inside the house helping Maisie as she was coloring in her horsey coloring book. Lou was cooking dinner, Amy was out working with horses, Ty was helping Jack unload hay, Caleb was helping Tim herd his cattle at Tim's ranch. I got a text from Soraya saying,
"Party at my moms diner tonight! Tell Ty! I already texted Amy."
"Okay," I text back. "Lou, will you keep an eye on Maisie for a minute?" I asked.
"Sure," she replied. I stood up and went outside. I walked to the trailer stacked with hay as Ty and Jack were throwing the hay into the hay loft.
"Have you guys seen Amy?" I asked.
"She went out on a ride with a client horse she just saddle broke," Jack replied.
"Thanks. Oh and Ty, Soraya is throwing a party at Maggie's tonight. Do you want to go?" I asked.
"If I finish all this," he replied.
"Okay," I said. I went into the barn and saw Mallory brushing out Copper. I waved at her as I went up to the loft. I opened my wardrobe and started looking for a dress to wear. I couldn't find anything. I just got out a nice purple and white flannel shirt, a nice pair of dark wash jeans, and my good boots. I tucked in my flannel and put on my Sky belt buckle. My buckle didn't really match my shirt, but it was the perfect outfit. I went downstairs where Jack and Ty had just finished stacking hay.
"Are you two going to be joining us for dinner?" Jack asked.
"I think we can stick around for a bit," I replied.

After Ty and I finished eating dinner, I left Maisie with Lou, Ty and I left for Maggie's. When we got to Maggie's, the place was packed. It was mostly kids from Soraya and Amy's school, that I didn't know. I saw Ashley though. Ashley worked at Maggie's and was working for the party.
"Soraya!" I yelled as we walked in.
"Hey guys! Have you seen Amy?" She asked.
"No, she wasn't at dinner. We all assumed she was here," I replied.
"I'm going to head back. She just started working with that new horse today," Ty said.
"I'll go too. I'll tell you if we find anything out Soraya," I said. I hugged her and then we left. Once we were in Ty's truck I text Lou,
"Did Amy come back yet?" A minute later she text back,
"No? I thought she was at the party." I replied with,
"She's not here, something must've happened. We're on our way back to go looking." I called Amy's cell. She didn't answer. I continued calling her the whole way back to Heartland.

We parked in front of the barn. Ty had Harley saddled and ready to go in five minutes. He left before I even got Sky out. Him leaving really made me think he still liked her. I saddled Sky and galloped off on the trails. Amy had to be around here somewhere.

Ty galloped Harley passed the river and into the woods where Amy loved to ride horses. He could hear coyotes yipping, owls hooting, and the occasional wolf howl. It was obviously dark outside now. He slowed Harley to a walk when he saw the new horse Amy was working with lying on the ground in a bloody mess.
"Amy!" He yelled. He went on for a few feet and saw Amy. The first thing that popped into his mind was seeing me on the bathroom floor. He got off Harley and slowly approached Amy. She had blood stains on her jeans. Her right boot was off and her hat was also missing. Ty shook Amy. He felt her neck for a pulse. He felt her heartbeat.
"Amy!" he yelled again. She opened her eyes.
"Ty?" She asked.
"Amy, I'm here," he replied. He hugged her. When they released from the hug she put her hands to her head.
"What happened?" Ty asked.
"A wolf attacked Chance. He threw me off and I cut my legs on a thorn bush. I was trying to walk to him when the wolf attacked me," she replied faintly.
"Oh Amy," he cried.
"Never leave me," she begged.
"I won't, I promise. We'll get on Harley and I'll take you home," he replied.
"No Ty, don't leave me again. When I'm back and better and home and I'm okay again, don't leave me. I love you, I've always loved you. Love me, chose me, don't leave me again," she begged.
"But Amy, I'm with Tara, I'm practically Maisie's father. I can't just drop that," he replied.
"I know you still love me," she said. Ty thought about it.
"You're right, and I've missed you, but-."
"But nothing." Amy interrupted Ty by kissing him, and he kissed her back. She put her hands on the back of his neck. And he put his hand on her waist, he stopped himself before he went any farther.
"Are you okay? Can I check on the horse?" He asked. "Ye-yeah, uh um, yeah," she replied. Ty went over to the horse. Chance was still breathing. He had cuts, everywhere, bites, where the cuts weren't, and would've had bruises if he didn't have fur. Ty got Chance to stand up. He tied Chance to Harley's saddle horn and then went back for Amy. Before Ty picked Amy up he texted me,
"Found her. Tell everyone to meet me at the hospital. I need you to meet me at the river for Chance. You need to call Scott. Chance is pretty banged up." He got my text back saying,
"Okay. I'm at the river now." With Amy hanging on, Ty rode to the river to meet up with his, soon to be, ex girlfriend. If only I knew.

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