Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Another Mistake.

It was still the same night, Ty and I were getting ready for bed, Nash had been asleep for about an hour, Maisie had just been put to bed. It was really hot in Texas compared to Canada, I just had a bra and underwear on, Ty had his briefs on. I laid on top of the blankets. Ty went to the bathroom. I plugged my phone into the charger and put it on my bedside table. Ty walked out of the bathroom and he laid onto his side and looked at me. We kissed, a lot. I think the heat and the raging hormones was getting to us.

When I woke up the next morning I sat up and had some back pain. Ty was already up and wasn't in the room. I got dressed and went down to the kitchen where Ty was giving Maisie her breakfast. I sat in front of Ty and gave him that "I love you" look. We were two crazy in love teenagers. I never wanted to let him go. In a few minutes my brother came storming down the stairs.
"Let's go," Nash said. I stood up and walked outside confused. "Katelyn told me about that horse and I want to buy him," Nash explained as we got in his truck.
"Why do I have to go with you?" I asked.
"I sold your trailer. You have to ride the horse back," he replied as he pulled out of the driveway.
"That's a ten mile drive on a fifteen year old horse," I yelled.
"So what?" He asked.
"You're an idiot and know nothing about horses," I said as I looked out the window.

When we got to Kat's neighbors. Nash went and talked to Tammy while I saddled up Thunder. After I had him saddled I mounted him and then rode him to the house. Nash helped Tammy outside and she said goodbye to her best friend.
"Goodbye old boy," she said.
"I'm gonna head for home," I told Nash.
"See you there," he said. I kicked Thunder to a gentle lope and started for home.

When I got back I saw Maisie exercising a pony in the front pen, she was so cute. I trotted Thunder over to her.
"That horse is pretty mommy!" She exclaimed.
"Thanks baby! His name is Thunder," I replied. I dismounted Thunder and led him to our private barn. I unsaddled him and then led him into the closest boarder barn where I used the shower station and hosed him off. One of the top clients at our ranch led her prize show jumper by. She was a good friend of mine.
"Hey Tara. Who's horse is that?" She asked.
"This is Thunder. We just bought him," I replied.
"He's gorgeous! How's living in Canada?" She asked. "Thanks he's a great ride. It's fantastic, If you didn't hear I got my daughter back, she's living with me now," I replied.
"That's great, I'm so happy for you. Well, I gotta get to practice. See ya later," she said.
"Bye," I replied. I rubbed a towel around Thunder to dry him off a bit. When I was done I led him back to our barn.

After I settled Thunder in his freshly bedded stall, I fed him and then gave him a treat. When I was done I went to the house where Nash had just finished making a pizza for dinner. We all sat down at the table and had a slice.

The week in Texas went by fast. Maisie came to know a lot about her uncle and so did I. I saw all my friends and even had a small party. I helped a lot of our boarders out with generic problems that their horses had. Thunder became a great horse for Nash to ride. He was a black Friesian gelding, Thunder was about 16 hands high.

Tonight was our last night and tomorrow we left for Canada. It made me sad that we were going to leave.
It was about ten o'clock. I was brushing Thunder out in his stall. I wanted to make his black fur shine. Nash walked in.
"So you're leaving tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Thunder is really going to miss you," he said. "Thunder is going to miss me or you are?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my face.
"I guess I will too," he admitted. I kept brushing Thunder. "When you turn eighteen, are you going to come back?" I turned, looked at him, and said,
"I don't know yet." I left Thunder's stall and hugged Nash. "I'll always come back even if I don't come back for good," I assured him while still in his arms.

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