THIS IS A SHORT CHAPTER but I just wanted to update you guys that I wrote a new book! It's about Will Turner (the guy on pirates of the Caribbean) and his little sister. Very similar to this, I've just started!!
The day dragged out in a way that could only be described as slow and agonizing. Every chance my brothers got they were shoving shoulders with me as we passed in the hallway or giving me death glares from across the cafeteria.
To be honest it definitely wasn't fair. And I'm not just saying that from a biased perspective. My two insanely popular brothers go back to school as famous as before and the only thing that I get out of it is constant school beating and being on the verge of a breakdown knowing they are planning their vengeance.
They couldn't even complain about being ignored or laughed at by the student body. What was supposed to be a humiliating event just brightened the spotlight on both of my brothers and our school population continued to worship and adore them.
My plan had ultimately backfired.
Kyle could tell. I knew he could tell by the way he looked at me from across the school cafeteria next to his rugby friends. I was in between my own friends reliving the story and planning my will when he came over.
"I told you that you'd regret it.", he smirked.
I rolled my eyes annoyed. "Not a lecture, Kyle. Not here. Leave."
Amy nodded. "Remember the last time things got blown out of proportion in here? Not good."
Kyle shrugged. "That was Logan's fault. Besides, I'm not here to lecture you."
I smiled at my brother. He was always my favourite.
"Your rugby mates are calling." I said laughing at his annoying friends.
"They can wait.", Kyle urged.
"What is it, Kyle?"
Kyle shoved his hands in his pocket and beckoned me over. I smiled at my friends before catching up with him in the hall.
"Spit it out, dork.", I said earning a glare.
"She's here."
That's all he said.
"Who? Who's here?"
"Emily!", he cried.
I looked up into his blushing face and smirked. "Kiara?"
He nodded annoyed.
"So? Taking after Logan and Jacob and making me ask her out for you?"
He shook his head furiously. "No you brat. How do I do it. What do I even say I mean-"
"If it isn't the family couple. I'll admit you two are the favourites of this family."
I rolled my eyes at the voice behind me as Kyle stood stark in his steps.
"What do you want, Jacob?"
"Kyle's got a crush? At school?"
"None of your business.", Kyle barked.
"Kyle you're all red. How cute.", Jacob laughed.
"Leave, Jacobson.", my brothers could tell I was getting mad.
"Let me guess.", Jacob said drawing it out. "Kiara? She's in my Human Pysch class. A pretty little thing."
Kyle shoved himself into his older brother.
"Knock it out you too! What's gotten into you, Jacob?"
"Me? I'm not the one who publicly humiliated her brothers."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh get over it."
"Is there a problem?"
The voice was coming from Nathan. Stunned all three of his younger siblings turned to face him.
"What are you doing-"
"I'm here for a meeting with the principal about our soccer schedule. But you three just happen to be loud enough for all of the pacific to hear."
We looked at the ground.
"What's the problem?"
Jacob smirked and we both pleaded with him to not say anything knowing that Nathan would never let Kyle live it down.
"Kyle has a crush.", he sing songed.
Nathan's hard face turned into a soft smirk.
"Who's the girl, Kylie?"
Kyle gritted his teeth at his wretched nickname.
"None of your business.", he growled.
"Oh I know, I know!", Jacob yelped with his hand in the air like a pre schooler.
"Kiara.", he breathed.
The next thing I know Jacob is lying on the ground beneath my favourite brother with swollen knuckles. And for once, I wasn't in the middle of it. Life is good.

Living with Brothers
Teen FictionEmily Kingston is a 14 year old girl that has it all. The wealth, popularity, friends, and maybe even the guy. What's the catch? 5 older brothers that were sent on this earth to make Emily's life hell. Hold on tight because this family is anything b...