Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I decided against going to talk to Emily in that moment because it was time to speak to Ezra. The time I had been dreading all day. I drove to the address he texted me this morning. It was a small building which I suppose is all a grad student could afford right now before starting a job. I took a deep breath and went up to his door number. I knocked. This was it. Not long until I make the biggest mistake of my life so far.

He opened the door and gave me a quick peck before pulling me inside. It was small inside, his bed and his couch were in the same room as well as the kitchen. I sat on his couch with my hands in my lap. I was so close to crying but kept it in. I had to be strong, I couldn't let seeing him change my decision. Hanna thinks it's for the best, so does my Mom and to some extent, so do I. He's 7 years older that's going to hurt any relationship.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked me. I couldn't look at him, he'll know some things wrong and I don't really wanna speak about it right now. I wanted to wait so I could spend a few hours with him before ending it.

"Sure." I whispered, my voice broke and I closed my eyes hoping he didn't hear it. But of course, he did.

"What's wrong Aria?" He asked me. I had to come up with a lie. I couldn't do this yet. I needed some time with him first.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I said leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Do you wanna lay on my bed with me?" He asked and I nodded. I didn't really know what I was doing. I wanted to lie with him and cuddle into him and maybe go a little further than kissing before I ended it. Even though we hadn't known each other long, I knew he loved me and I felt the same way. I wanted to know what it was like to make love and not be forced into it. I wanted to do it with him, even if it was just once.

He picked me up bridal style and laid me on the bed and got in behind me. Before I knew it, we were spooning. I was really content on laying there and could for the rest of my life but unfortunately that wasn't going to happen. I don't know when or why but I fell asleep in the arms of the only guy I've ever loved.

"Aria.... Aria.... You have to get up..." I was shaken awake by Ezra and I groaned turning away from him so he couldn't see me. "Come on. I want to talk to you." He said and I sat up turning back to him. He smiled softly.

"What?" I groaned. He smiled and kissed my nose.

"You know I love you right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, I wanted to give you this." He said and moved around the bed to get the gift wrapped box. He passed it to me, our hands touching as we made the exchange.

I opened the box and it was a bracelet. A charm bracelet it was a beautiful gift. There was already 8 charms on it. They all described the way we felt about each other and how the relationships forbidden. Forbidden. The word that was going to end this relationship. I didn't know what to do, he had given me a bracelet that shown his love to me but he was still too old for me. My Mom doesn't agree with it although she wants me happy.

"Its beautiful." I said rubbing my fingers over the heart charm. "Thank you." I said finally looking him in the eye.

"You're very welcome." He said and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss wasn't an innocent one, I was attached to the smell of him and I never wanted it to stop. I was scared of where this was going even though I knew what I wanted with him. His hands were travelling down my leg stroking it with his soft hands. I moaned into his mouth pulling him closer to me.

He gently laid me back down on the bed pulling back. We both started to catch our breaths before devouring each other once more. Ezra was straddling me and held my hands above my head while he was kissing me. I flipped him over so I was now straddling him. I was loving this. I began under doing the buttons on his shirt and ran my hands up and down his chest. I started kissing his neck trying to find his sweet spot. I smiled when I finally did when he groaned loudly as I kissed his collarbone. I was aiming to give him a Hickey and I was enjoying it myself.

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