Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Once I got out of the shower, I changed into a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt. I tied my hair back into a messy bun before slipping on my slippers. I headed down the stairs quietly and laid on the couch with my head on Spencer's lap.

"You know, I don't think I've been this relaxed since before Ali went missing." I said staring at the ceiling. Spencer was roaming her hands through my hair and I sighed in relief. It felt good and I was happy that we were all finally relaxed and happy to be together for once.

"Yeah I know that feeling. I know we never had a baby shower because of the complications with A. But I would really like to do you one for after the baby is born. Everyone could meet the little one and bring presents. It'll be so fun and cute!" Hanna squealed and we all laughed at her. Even though I didn't think that was a bad idea, I would love to have a small gathering of people who would love to meet my baby and not be embarrassed to know me because I'm a teenage Mom.

I only want people in my life who support me and love me because I'm me, not because I'm someone everyone's making me into. I love the new Aria, she is more confident. She's in love and is willing to make it work instead of being afraid of commitment.

"Wow Hanna, that's one of the best ideas you've had in a while." Spencer laughed and I smiled over to Hanna.

"It's really a good idea Han. But I'm due in a couple of weeks. It's a little short notice."I told her sitting up and pulling my hair from my messy bun letting it flow naturally/

"I know, but you'll be in the hospital after having little one for a while and we'll have time to sort it out until you get out. Come on Aria. Please. I really want to do this for you." She begged and I stood up slowly caressing my bump.

"Okay, you can organise it for me. But wait a few days after I get out of the hospital please. I want to be presentable for everyone and I want my baby to be presentable. So plan it a few weeks after my due date." I told her walking to the entrance to the kitchen and turned to them all. "Any of you want a hot chocolate?" I asked and they all nodded.

I turned and headed into the kitchen and filled the kettle with water before tuning it on and letting it boil. I pulled out four mugs and filled with a teaspoon of coca powder and waited for the water to finish boiling.

I stood there waiting for it to boil leaning back against the counter and Emily walked in and stood next to me copying my position. "So how's Ezra?" She asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"He's okay I guess. I love him and he loves me. We're having this baby together and I'm more than excited about it." I explained with a smile.

"Yeah, I can see that. I'm glad you're this happy. I'm supposed to wait for Hanna and Spencer to talk to you about this but I want to tell you now while I have the chance." She said and sighed. "I know it's been a hard few months and I know you've had all these mixed emotions for how you feel about Ezra, but I know you love him and you deserve the happiness he brings you." She paused as I turned to fill the mugs with the now boiled water.

"What's this about?" I asked as I mixed the coca into the water.

"Its just it's nice to see you finally happy, even if that involved you not seeing your family. Spencer Hanna and I are your family and we love you for you and not for who you were or who you've become. Ezra is the best thing that ever happened to you. Even with the mistakes you -"

"This..." I gestured to my stomach. "Was not a mistake!" I snapped.

"I know and I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that but the things you did when you were with Ezra is things you wouldn't change for anyone. If they don't like it, you didn't care. Hanna Spencer and I saw that it was different when you were with Ezra. You based every decision on what others told you to do. That isn't what we want for you..." She paused taking her drink in her hands as well as Hanna's. "I guess what I'm trying to tell you is... Follow your heart and what its telling you, don't listen to other peoples opinions. Go with what you want and what you think will make you happy." She told me and I smiled at her.

"Thanks Em. I will. I am happy with Ezra and I don't want that to change. It was very rocky between the two of us up until now but now we've figured out what we want to do, we're going to make it work. We're going to raise this baby together." I told her as we headed back into the living area and I passed Spencer her drink and Emily did that same with Hanna's drink.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked sipping my drink immediately regretting it. It scolded my tongue and I grimaced at the pain.

"I could really do with an early night. It's been a long few days. We could just lay in bed and talk." Emily said and I nodded looking at the others.

"Why not?" Hanna said and Spencer agreed. I smiled and we all headed up stairs and Spencer led us into my room. I didn't know why we were going to my room. Spencer's was the closest one to us.

"How's school going?" I asked sitting on the bed with the others.

"It's school. It can only go one way." Hanna said and I laughed. Typical Hanna. I turned to Spencer.

"What about you? How are you going in school?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"The same old, same old. The work is the same... Easy. Everyone's asking about you though." She told me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because...Word got out that you're not living with your parents any more." She explained and I sighed.

"It was bound to come out eventually." I told them putting my drink down on the side.

"We know but not everything said is nice." Emily told me cautiously. I didn't really expect everyone to be nice about finding out I wasn't living at home. But I wanted to know who started what rumours to put an end to them. Anything said about me is probably not even true. Unless they called me a slut and I got kicked out because I'm pregnant.

"It doesn't bother me. Someone once told me that nothing anyone says matters, as long as you know the truth." I smiled at the thought of that person and that moment. It was the best moment we had in a very long time. It had also been a while since we had a moment like that. 9 months almost.

"Who told you that?" Spencer asked and I smiled a sad smile. It was also very depressing knowing I don't speak to them any more.

"My Mom." I mumbled and laid my head in Hanna's lap.

"Well, she's very smart. She's always right." I turned to look at Emily who's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh god.. I'm sorry I didn't-" I shook my head, I knew what she meant. I still loved my Mom, she was my Mom and she was always right. But the thing was, there was something she was wrong about...Keeping my Dad around after she found out about the affair.

"Its fine Em. I knew what you meant. But she's still my Mom." I told her. "Look, I'm tired. Would it be okay if I sleep now?" I asked looking at my three best friends.

"Of course. Get some rest. You need it." Hanna told me and I watched the three of them walk out of the room before I climbed under the covers and laid down closing my eyes. Luckily, it didn't wake me that long to get to sleep. It came so quickly, I forgot where I was for a second.

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