Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

That last message from A had shocked us all, one of us knew how to handle it and what to do. Do we tell someone, a parent, the police? A was back meaning it wasn't Alison. It was probably someone who was jealous of her and us and wanted revenge.

After the funeral, Hanna, Emily, Spencer and I went for a meal to talk about the message and talk about Alison. I wanted to speak to Ezra at the funeral but I got side tracked when I got the A message. But I was going to text him that night and get together again soon. I wanted to talk to him, I missed being in his arms and the feel of his lips on mine.

"Ali's dead Spence, it's not her. She's not texting us from the grave." Hanna said at the table as we sat eating our meals. I was sat next to Hanna and Emily and Spencer was sat opposite us. We were all debating about A and how to handle the situation, none of us really knew what was going on.

"I know that Hanna, but who else could it be? What if Ali's not really dead?" The three of us looked at Spencer as if she was crazy. She was supposed to be the smart one. None of us really knew how to answer or respond to her. Hanna reached for her back and pulled out a flask. She poured some of the substance into her glass of coke.

"What?" She said and we all looked through her eye line to a elderly couple who was staring daggers at her. "It helps with cramps." She said with a shrug of her shoulders and the couple turned back to their meal. I snickered.

Hanna poured a little into Spencer and Emily's glass. I couldn't have any because I was pregnant. I needed it though, I was so stressed and even though it wasn't good for the baby. I couldn't help it. "Sorry Aria." She smiled sympathetically at me and I shrugged. It was fine, really. I didn't want to harm the baby so I was okay without alcohol.

"It's fine." I told her. "But what are we gonna do now?"

"Just play it day by day and take whatever A throws at us on the chin." Spencer advised. I pulled a face.

"But what if it's something dangerous or something that can get us into a lot of trouble? I don't want to go back to prison." Hanna said and we all laughed quietly.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it Hanna. But I promise, you won't go back to jail and if you do, we all go." Spencer said reaching across the table to grab Hanna's hand.

"Anyway, How are you and Ezra?" Emily asked looking at me and I shrugged with a deep sigh.

"We've not spoken in days. I want to talk to him but I'm afraid A will go after him or hurt the baby.I'm not sure how I'm gonna get through this pregnancy." I whispered.

"Hey." Hanna whispered touching my arm. "You'll get through this with us by your side. We're your family now and we love you. A isn't going to destroy that. Not now, not ever." I smiled and leaned into her arm. We continued eating our meals when the door bell jingled. I looked up and saw Jenna Marshal walking in with her blacked out sun glasses and a stick tapping the ground as she walked.

I tapped Hanna quietly and pointed to Jenna. The other two turned around and their eyes widened. We quickly grabbed our stuff and laid our money onto the table before walking out quietly. Jenna was blind. She couldn't see us and that was our fault. We hadn't seen her since the incident, she was sent to a school for the blind to help her get her life back to normal without being able to see.

We all made our way back to Hanna's quietly, none of us knowing what to say. Birds chirping away above us, our heels clapping on the floor and the cars racing past us. I couldn't wait to get back to Hanna's, Jenna was back and that was going to cause a lot of problems for all of us. She was scary when she could see, she'll be even more scary now she's blind. I didn't really know what to do and I could tell none of the others had an idea either.

"Aria, are you okay?" Emily asked me slowing her steps to stay with me as the other two walked on ahead.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just a lot has happened already and I've not long got back from Iceland and so many things have already change. Sometimes I wish I was still in Iceland, away from all of this. Away from the horrors of rosewood and back to my safe haven." I said and it was true, I needed to talk about it with someone but not just yet. I need more time to think about this.

"I know. We all need time to process this, we all know what each others going through so we need to stick together and tell each other everything. We can only trust each other with these secrets. No one else will understand what it is we're going through." She said and I sighed deeply. I had my own opinions on how this was going to play out.

"Yeah I guess so but It's not just be I've got to think about any more. I have this baby and trying to keep my relationship on the down low meaning I have to do everything A says to keep it a secret." I groaned. I don't know how long this A person was going to black mail us and threaten us and this was going to ruin my high school experience.

"But you'll stay strong. We all will. If its really necessary, we will tell someone. We can get the police involved if we really need to. But lets forget about A and Ali for tonight and just relax like normal teenage girls." She said and I giggled slightly nodding before jogging to catch up with the other two.

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