Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

The next morning, I woke to banging of pans down in the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Aria who was still passed out. I smiled at her slowly getting out of the bed and heading towards my dresser and got out some clothes for the day. I chose a Pink blouse with a pair of white skinny jeans and a pair of baby pink heels. I had a quick shower before shoving on my clothes and picked my jewellery for the day and applied my make up.

I went back into my room quietly to see Aria still sleeping so I grabbed the bowls from last night and carried them downstairs into the kitchen where My Mom was making breakfast. I wasn't really sure where I was going to start but I needed to talk to her about Aria and helping A. I quickly and quietly washed the bowls as my Mom dished up the food onto two separate plates.

"You're quiet this morning." My Mom commented. I shrugged.

"It was a long day yesterday, I guess I';mm still tired." I muttered sitting at the table. My Mom placed my plate in front of me and sat opposite me. I refused to look at her. I wouldn't meet her eyes and I felt awkward for the first time in my life being alone in the same room as my own mother.

"Okay what's going on with you?" She asked me putting her knife and fork down. I knew I had to talk to her and now would be the right time to bring it up. Aria wasn't awake so she wouldn't hear us discussing this.

"Where did you go for hours a day when Aria went missing?" I asked her. I didn't know what her reply would be but I promised Aria I would talk to my Mom so I'm going to talk to her.

"Out." Was all she said. I was becoming sceptical that she was trying to hurt me and the girls.

"Out?" I repeated. Why was she being so difficult? Why couldn't she just tell me?

"Yes. I went out Hanna. I have a life outside of this house." She said getting up picking up our plates and putting them into the sink before starting to wash them.

"So why won't you tell me where you went. It's not like its a secret right?" I saw her freeze. I knew I had broken through. She was going to be on to me now. I was scared, if she was working for A she could hurt me for getting to close to finding the main A.

"It's not a secret but I don't have to share every part of my life with you." She told me and went to walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"I know you were with Aria when she went missing!" I blurted out to her and she turned back and walked towards me, I walked back until I was against the counter and I was trapped.

"What?" She asked me.

"When Aria went missing, she saw you. You were working with the person that took her. Why?" I asked her. I was going to get answers, I needed them to have comfort. Knowing my Mom wasn't dangerous to me and my pregnant best friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She denied and I rolled my eyes.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why were you with Aria? Why didn't you try and get her out of there? She's pregnant for Gods sakes!" I yelled. I was starting to get annoyed, she wasn't answering me. She wasn't giving me the answers I wanted or needed.

"Okay Fine! I was with Aria everyday she was there. I couldn't get her out because I was being watched like a hawk and they could have killed me. I know about A!" She said and my eyes widened. She knew about A!

"What!" I exclaimed.

"I know about A, I know whoever it is had been harassing you. I wanted to try and keep you safe and when Aria went missing and the girls came over. I could see the fear on all your faces. I new you thought she was taken by A. So I went to find A and ask for a chance to help then because I knew Aria and I knew you and the other girls. I knew your tactics. I played it well and they let me help. I was hoping to find out who A really was but I never saw them. I kept Aria out of harms way, I spoke to her everyday. Made sure her and the baby were okay. She didn't get hurt Hanna, I could never let her get hurt." She explained and I smiled and my Mom before leaning over to hug her tight.

"Thank you for protecting her." I whispered into my Mom's shoulder.

"You're very welcome. But I think you should know, Jason Dilaurentis was one of the ones who was helping A. He said he was doing it for revenge,. because Aria refused to date him and got knocked up with someone else. He was jealous. Please be careful around him if you see him." She warned me and I nodded. I was now officially scared of him.

Alison's Brother had a thing for Aria? I also knew he had anger problems so I had to keep her away from him. I needed to talk to the other girls but I had to wait for Aria to get up and get ready. If she woke up and I wasn't here and she was alone with My Mom, she would freak out and get scared. I would have to talk to her about what my Mom said too.

I went up stairs to see if Aria was awake yet and she was. She was sat in my bed on the phone. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could see by the look on Aria's face that she was upset and angry. I didn't want to disturb her but before I could walk away, she saw me and motioned for me to come in.

I sat on the bed waiting for her to finish and it was getting even more intense, I didn't even know who she was talking to but it was getting me pissed at that person.

Pregnancy Troubles Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ