Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Soon it was Friday, the last few days sped by with nothing interesting happening. There were no more notes from A. I hadn't heard anything from my family except for Mike. I haven't been in school so I haven't seen Ezra. No matter how much I wanted to see him.

Today was the first day of going back after the blow out with my dad. I had no choice on whether I should go back because I had detention. If you miss a detention, you automatically add on two more detentions. So I had to go in.

I was aching and sore. I didn't really know why but I had been like that for days now and I haven't had the chance to go to the doctors yet but I was thinking about going this weekend. I was still staying at Hanna's house but the house hunting hasn't stopped. I have a few viewings to look at next week.

Right now, I was walking towards the school building. We had all decided to meet up at Hanna's locker before English. Even though I lived with Hanna at the minute, I wanted to walk today. To think about things, think about how I'm going to cope on my own, how I'm going to have to grow up too quickly. How I'm going to have to deny myself love from Ezra until I'm out of the school for good. Three years.

I got to Hanna's locker and by my surprise, I was the first one there. I no longer had my car because it was still at my house but I still got there before them. I sat on the hard old floor while waiting for the others. I tried to hide when I saw My Mom and Ezra walking down the hallway laughing and joking. They both looked at me my Mother stopped in front of me once again.

"Hi Honey." She started and I just stared up at her refusing to look at Ezra who stood looking uncomfortable next to her.

"What do you want?" I said bluntly. She was starting to annoy me. Couldn't she get the picture and understand I don't want anything to do with her?

"I've not seen you in school in a few days. Are you okay?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. She didn't care about me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just couldn't bare to see the face of the women who calls herself my mother. After what you put me through the other night. I can't trust you or him." I snarled.

"Look Aria. I know I messed up. I know you were relying on me but I didn't mean to be late, the car broke down and I had to wait for it to be towed. I'm really sorry. I know it's going to take a while to trust us again but I want you home. I want you safe." She said and I snickered.

"Safe? You want me safe? How do you expect me to be safe in my own house when my So-Called-Father is abusing me?" I screeched. How did she even expect me to believe that?

"Okay, fine stay where you are but I want to see you when you're not busy and maybe rebuild our relationship. You're my only daughter and I don't want to lose you." She said and I was beginning to feel bad for her.

"Maybe. Just let me think about it." I said standing up as I saw Emily come into the school. She was heading towards me and her eyes widened as she saw my Mom stood with me. "I've gotta go." I said and began walking towards Emily. "Nice seeing you Mr Fitz." I yelled over my should flashing him a smile.

"You too Miss Montgomery." He replied. I gave Emily a quick hug.

"Hey, what was that about?" She asked me and I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"Nothing. She just waned to apologise and she wants to rebuild our relationship." I explained briefly.

"Are you going to? Rebuild your relationship."

"I'm thinking about it but I don't know. If I do, she'll want me to go home and I'm not safe at home." I told her and she nodded understandably.

"So you have detention today right?" She asked as Spencer and Hanna walked up to us.

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