Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Luckily Hanna didn't live that far from school but it got me thinking about what to tell Mrs Marin. Should I tell her everything? Including A or leave it out and tell her about the pregnancy and my father kicking me out. I didn't want to unload all my problems onto her. She didn't have to deal with things that were none of her business.  

When I got there. I walked straight in and into the kitchen where I heard movement of pots and pans. "Hey Mrs Marin." I said sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Hi, Aria. Why are you home early?" She asked.

"I had a free period and didn't want to stay in school any longer. But can I talk to you about some things?" I asked her. My palms began to get all sweaty and clammy. I was scared of telling her but I had to tell an adult that would know what I was going through.

"Of course you can." She sat next to me facing me.

"Well, you know I was kicked out right?" She nodded but stayed quiet waiting for me to continue. " I was kicked out because my Mom found out my dad was having an affair with one of his grad students. My dad blamed me for her finding out because I was the only one that knew. But he blackmailed me to keep it a secret and when Mom found out I was blamed and he wanted me out the house. My Mom didn't come after me. But now, she wants me to go home. What do I do? Do I go home and let my father continue blaming me and making my life harder than it already is? Or do I stay away and live my life like I am now?"

"Well, I think that is personally up to you. You need to make that choice. Do you miss home? Do you think your dad has calmed down and can think straight again?"

"I don't know. But that's not the only thing." I said.

"What else is there you need to talk about?" I sighed and my eyes began to tear up.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." I mumbled hoping she didn't hear me but she did. She gasped.I refused to look into her eyes, I didn't want to see the disappointment in them.

"You're pregnant?" She asked in disbelief. I nodded."Oh Aria." She sighed. "Do you know who the father is?" I nodded. This was the moment of truth.

"Yes. But that's the problem. We can both get into a lot of trouble if this gets out. Please, you can't tell anyone." She nodded. "The father is Ezra Fitz. My...English teacher." I said and her eyes widened.

"Your English teacher?" I nodded.

"We began seeing each other 2 months before he became my teacher and I got pregnant just before school started. We broke up and now I don't know how to handle this alone. Please Mrs Marin, you can't tell anyone." I begged.

"Okay. I won't tell anyone. But Aria, this is a big secret and I can't believe you've kept this a secret for so long."

"Well Hanna knows. She was the first one to know. But I needed some advice from an Adult that has been pregnant and had a baby." I said. She rubbed my arm.

"I'm sorry Aria." She said standing up. "I won't tell anyone about the teacher or the pregnancy but you need to decide weather you're going home." She said and I nodded placing my head down on the counter.

"I think I might go home. Just to see what the atmosphere is like but if it's bad would I be okay to come back?" I asked her. I didn't want to intrude if she didn't want me back. If I was too much to handle.

"Of course you can. You're always welcome here. You never have to ask." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you. I'm going to pack my things and get ready to leave." I turned to walk up the stairs. " Oh and Hanna's going to the Mall with Mona after school so she won't be home for dinner." I said and she nodded mumbling to herself.

I got up stairs to pack my things, I packed the clothes I haven't worn yet and grabbed my worn clothes from the laundry basket and packed those to. I made sure I had my charger, my books, my photography stuff. I went into my school bag and pulled it all out putting it into my suitcase and I saw a note.

'To: Spencer

Poor Spencer. Always wants Melissa's boyfriends. But remember, if you kiss I tell.


A printed Email crumpled in my back from A to Spencer. What was this? Who did she kiss? Wren? I was so confused. I turned the page over and saw Spencer's Cursive handwriting.

' -A sent me an email. Does this mean they're after all of us?'

I didn't know the answer to that but Hanna was the only one not to get a message that I was aware of. But maybe this was something to look into. Something more serious than we think. Emily's sounded like Alison had written it and this one also sounds like Alison. I remember her saying 'if you kiss I tell' to Spencer last year.

I grabbed my phone and text Spencer. 'When did you get the email?' I put my phone down and continued to pack my things trying not to focus too much on the letter.

Then my phone buzzed. 'This morning in computing. What does this mean?'

'I don't know but we need to talk in person. Tomorrow, free period?' I sent back.

'Sure. Let me know how tonight goes' She responded.

'I will'

I zipped up my suitcase and bumped it down the stairs as quietly as I could when I heard Mrs Marin on the phone.

"Yes but Hanna you could have told me. We tell each other everything...I don't care. I wish you could have given me the heads up so I knew what to say... I know...I just don't know if I can keep this to myself...this is a big secret to keep and I've kept a lot in my time, but this trumps them all...Okay Hanna, talk when you get home...Bye." She was disappoint in me. There was noway I could come back here if things go bad at home. She won't want to slut living with her leading her daughter astray.

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