Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The next morning, I woke up with the other three girls awake around me. I wasn't in any mood to go to school and see Ezra again. I wanted to be with him but I couldn't be with him and we both know that. But there's nothing wrong with it if you're both of age and I am. I just don't want him to go down for sleeping with a miner/student.

I sleepily stood up and went into the bathroom. I had no reason to be changing I just wanted a minute to myself and to think of the things that could happen between me and Ezra. I also had to tell Emily and Spencer I was pregnant by a teacher, who I didn't know was my teacher at the time. God, my life is so messed up.

"Aria? Are you okay in there?" Spencer yelled through the door. I was still getting ready and I wasn't exactly okay but I would get there, I suppose.

"Yeah, I'm almost ready." I said pulling my hair into a ponytail and putting on my natural make up. I was wearing a leopard print skirt with a purple tank top. I wanted to get first lesson English over with. I was scared if how I'll react when I see him again.

I stepped out of the bathroom and the others were ready sat talking quietly on Hanna's bed. I joined them laying my head on Spencer's lap closing my eyes. "Don't you just hate love?" I blurted out. They all turned to me, even though my eyes were closed I could still still their shocked faces.

"Uh what?" Emily asked really confused.

"Love. It's a word that breaks your heart in the end. There shouldn't be such thing as love. It ruins lives." I said. I meant it too. It really does.

"Were you in love Aria? Did someone ruin your life?" Spencer asked. And I nodded into her lap.

"Yeah. But we can't be together even if I really want to." I said.

"Why?" Emily asked.

"Aria are you sure you wanna do this?"

"I have to Hanna. They deserve to know" I told her opening my eyes.

"I'm in love with Ezra Fitz. Our new English teacher." I said staring anywhere but at them.

"What? You've only known him for one day!" Spencer exclaimed.

"No, " I said sitting up. "I've known him since I came back from Iceland almost three months ago. I was dating him for about a day. And I'm.... I'm pregnant.!" I said.

"You're what!" They exclaimed in unison. I refused to meet their eyes but I knew I did the right thing by telling them.

"I'm pregnant with my English Teacher. What do I do?" I asked. Spencer was smart surely she would think of something. Hanna didn't know, I don't know they had to know what I could do.

"Have you thought about Abortion?" Emily asked. I nodded.

"But I don't want to. I can't image killing a child before it makes an appearance, I'll be a murderer." I explained she nodded in agreement.

"We'll continue this later. We need to get to school. We could skip English if you want Aria." Hanna said. I shook my head. I needed to face him sooner or later it was better sooner rather than later.

"Yeah. I have to go. Act as if I'm not pregnant with his baby. Act as if I'm not in love with him. Act as though he's just my teacher." I said and stood up grabbing my coat and purse and heading for the door. Today was going to be a long day.

As we got to school, the four of us got our of the same car and we headed for the building. No body else was there yet except for maybe some teachers. I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on every inch of the school. I didn't want to bump into Ezra, not yet it was too early in the morning to deal with drama.

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