Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

When I finally rose from my slumber Emily and Spencer was watching over me. It made me jump when their faces were so close to mine. I smiled sleepily up to them. I just didn't see Hanna. "Where's Hanna?" I asked. I didn't really care where she was but she made me feel safe being around because of how much she knows about my fucked up life.

"She's gone to get some take out. She shouldn't be much longer" Emily explained. I nodded sitting up. Spencer was sat in the bay window watching the night sky. "How are you Aria?" Emily asked.

"I'm okay I guess. I just didn't expect my first day back to go like that." I explained and it was true. I didn't expect Ezra to be my teacher. That's for sure.

"What happened with the new English teacher Aria?" Spencer asked not bothering to look at me.

"Nothing Important. We just met during the summer, we had a fling and now he's our English teacher." I explained briefly. I didn't want to go into details because it was too fresh and I couldn't deal with the heartbreak all over again.

"Did you know how old he was when you were with him?" Emily asked and I nodded. I wasn't going to lie any more. I had lied too much over the past two months and I couldn't handle it any more. Especially with this baby.

"Yeah, he's twenty two and he knows I'm sixteen." I said.

"So what's going to happen now he's your teacher?" They asked. I shrugged. I didn't really know nor did I want to know. This relationship couldn't go anywhere. I'm pregnant with his baby and no one needs to know its his.

"I don't know what I want to happen. I'm scared that people are going to find out and I'll be known as a slut for the rest of high school." I whined. I didn't want people to find out. I couldn't have them finding out.

"It won't happen. We'll help keep it a secret Aria. But please don't keep anything from us." Spencer said and I agreed.  I won't keep anything from them but I couldn't tell them about the pregnancy,. Not yet, I'm not ready. Plus I hadn't even come to terms with it myself, it is still surreal.

"Thank you." I whispered Sincerely. I was glad and thankful they were okay with it and was willing to help me. "How long has Hanna been gone?" I asked. She never takes long getting take out which is why we send her out.

"Longer than an hour." Emily Answered. That was really strange, she never takes longer than half an hour. I was beginning to worry.

"Do you think some things wrong?" Spencer asked. I shrugged. Where was Hanna and why did I feel so weird being in the house without her here?

"I don't know. But we need to find out." She replied. I sighed, I was stressed out as it was, I didn't need to be worrying about the whereabouts of one of my best friends.

I saw Spencer go to open her mouth before Hanna came bustling into the room with the take out bags. She was flustered and worried, I could tell by the frown line on her forehead.

"Are you okay?" Emily asked sitting her on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm fine." She responded I looked at Spencer, Hanna seemed very distracted and I know she is blonde and the one with the witty comments of the group but she is never this distracted. Something must of happened when she went out. "Lets eat this and then go down into the living room to watch a movie." She said. She never told us anything about why she was gone so long so we never asked. We respected her enough to not want to ask.

We ate in silence the only thing to be heard was the clock on the wall by the door. My phone beeped indicating I had a message. It was probably my Mom wanting to talk to me or my dad trying to apologise but I didn't care what they had to say they kicked me out for gods sake!

"Are you going to answer that?" Emily asked and I shook my head putting my rice into my mouth.

"Why not. It might be important." She said. I snickered.

"Nothing in my life right now is more important than my friends. I want to spend tonight with no distractions okay." They all nodded. I didn't want to talk to anyone but my best friends.

We went downstairs and all had a tub of Ben and Jerry's to ourselves. We decided to watch Charlie's Angels. I couldn't focus on the movie, I was too busy thing about Ezra and the confrontation we had earlier today that caused me to have a breakdown.

"I'm gonna go make us all a drink. Coke sound good?" Hanna asked standing up. We all nodded keeping our eyes on the movie. Hanna walked behind me. "Come with me." She whispered in my ear. I sighed and followed her into the kitchen.

She pulled the glasses out of the top cupboard above the stove and I leant against the island in the middle of the kitchen. "So, Aria. I think you should call him." She said pouring the coke into the four glasses up to the brim.

"Why? He really hurt me earlier. I can't deal with him being my teacher and loving him at the same time knowing it's wrong." I said putting my head onto the cold surface.

"Look Aria... You can't help who you fall for. You can't just not be with him because he's your teacher. But also you're pregnant and carrying his baby."She said and I nodded. I was so scared, when I found out he was my teacher, I couldn't deal with the tension in the room.

"But what if he gets arrested, for sleeping with a student? Then how will I live being a single mother while my boyfriend is in prison." I said and grabbed mine and Spencer's drinks and carried them in ignoring Hanna and the things she wanted to say.

I went back to watching the movie without looking at any of the girls. My mind kept going from Ezra being my teacher to the message I received when I got into his class this morning. Who knew about us besides Hanna Him and me? I was scared someone would expose us now someone else knows. I needed reassurance that nothing would happen.

My phone beeped and I picked it up. It was a message from Ezra.


I really need to speak to you. Can you please come to my apartment? I love you.

Ezra xoxo

I rolled my eyes although I was thinking about going. We needed to talk about it sooner or later without  students or teachers around. I couldn't right now and I wanted to talk to Hanna about it. I

didn't know what to do.


I'll think about you but right now I'm not sure what my feelings are for you.


I replied back because I didn't want to be rude to him especially because I was carrying his baby. I saw that Hanna and Emily's eyes were getting heavy. Spencer was still drawn to watching the TV. I smiled. She was one of my best friends. We did everything together before Alison went missing. We both stood up to Ali and told her how it was which is why we were closer.

"Why don't we all go up to bed," I suggested and we sleepily went up stairs and collapsed anywhere in Hanna's room. We also had school tomorrow meaning I had to see Ezra and keep this pregnancy a secret for another day. But I needed to tell Spencer and Emily but I couldn't do that now. I would do that tomorrow. Maybe.

Pregnancy Troubles Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora