Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

By the time Lunch rolled around, I was physically drained. I was cranky and snapping at everyone. I even got detention for snapping at my teacher. Spencer was also joining me because she stood up for me. I didn't mean to get her in trouble because her parents would be on her case for ruining her perfect school record. I apologised profusely but she didn't seem bothered. My last class before lunch was Biology that I was excused from for vegetarian reasons. So I sat on my own for the first part of the hour before I found my Mother making her way to me.

"Aria." She said and I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Ella." I said in a bored tone. I wasn't in the mood to be talking to her. I could see the hurt on her face when I didn't even acknowledge her as my Mom. But like I said in English, she was no longer known as my Mom. She put her husband before her own kid. The kid who tried to protect her from getting hurt and telling her about my dads affair.

"Why aren't you in class?" She said and I coughed a little.

"Because I've been excused. Not that it's none of your business." I said trying to get up and walk away.

"Wait Aria." She grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "I'm sorry about that night at the house but you have to understand I was in shock. I knew about the affair, I didn't think your father would be like that towards you. It's not fair, but would you please come home. Your brother and I miss you."

"And what about dad?" I asked. I didn't want to go home, not if he's still got a stick up his ass.

"He'll have to learn to deal with it."

"Fine, I'll come home but if he starts, I'm leaving again." She smiled widely. I think she was happy about that.

"Great, I'll meet you after school and we can go home together." She said standing up.

"Wait. I have to go back to Hanna's and get the rest of my stuff. I'll meet you back at home at 4." I said and she nodded walking away with a huge smile on her face. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. It was going to be a long day.

But now, I was walking to lunch alone thinking about how I could explain to the others that I was going home. I didn't really want to go home. I was happy to spend the next few months living with Hanna. Living with her and not having to hide my pregnancy and feeling comfortable in a house. Plus Hanna was being so sweet to me and tried to understand every situation I was put in.

I hadn't had chance to speak to Mrs Marin properly yet but I wanted to. I wanted her to know everything that was happening. I knew she wouldn't judge me after some of the things she had gone through. I mean she slept with a cop to keep Hanna safe. She ran over the cop to stop him from blackmailing her family. She's an amazing women.

I got to our usual table and only Emily was sat there. Spencer and Hanna was no where to be seen. "Hey Em, where's Hanna and Spencer?" I asked her and she just shrugged.

"I'm not sure. But could I talk to you about something?" She asked and she sounded a little scared.

"Sure, is everything okay?" She just shrugged.

"You know that message you got from A?" I nodded. "Well I got one too." My eyes widened.

"You what?" I was in shock. I didn't mean receiving them but when my friends start getting them that's when I begin to worry.

"Yeah, I did something last night and someone knows about it and put a note in my gym locker."

"What did you do?" I asked.

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