Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

After school, we all went back to Hanna's. I was still planning on staying there for a few more nights before I even attempted to speak to my Mom or dad. While the others were talking about my text from A.I stayed quiet and bit my lip. I didn't know why I was like this. This is something I didn't know.

"Aria." Emily said putting her hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Do you wanna come with me to get some snacks. No one wants to get the wrong order for a pregnant women." She joked and I giggled slightly before standing up. I was going to go with her. There was nothing else I could do.

We both went down stairs and out the door, we both got into Emily's car and drove to Walmart to get some snacks. I was craving cheese sticks and ketchup. Emily and I went down aisle after aisle picking up the snacks we usually got. It always came to the same price which we all split. It was easy to be organised about all of this. It usually came to 20 bucks and we all paid $5 each. But not with my cravings, it was going to be a lot more. I wouldn't make the others help pay for it. I picked up the snacks I was craving and made my way to pay. I passed my $5 to Emily and I put all my other snacks down.

"No, keep it. You've got enough to pay for now." Emily said handing it back. I refused to take it.

"No, I have to help pay for that. It's the routine. I'm fine, I've got enough Money to cover all this."

"I don't care Aria. You've got more than just food to pay for. You don't need to pay for this. Take the money back." I ignored her as I moved down the line and the cashier was scanning my items. I smiled at her as I started to pack it all into two big bags. I had enough to feed an army but I was pregnant after all. That's my alibi for a lot of things now a days.

I waited by the exit for Emily with her bag of snacks. "The same price as always." She said. "But take the money back."

I shook my head. "I'm not taking it back Emily. We always split the money, it's not gonna change now just because I'm pregnant." I shot back as we walked to the car.

"Fine, I'll find some way to give it back to you." She said and walked further ahead as I began to struggle with the bags as they became heavy in my hands. I put the bags down to take a break. My back was hurting and I was beginning to get shortness of breath.

"Em, can you come help me?" I called across the parking lot. She turned back to me and her eyes widened and she ran towards me helping me straighten up before grabbing the two bags and walking slowly towards the car. Even though I wasn't that far gone in my pregnancy, it was already starting to take it's toll on me.

"Are you okay?" She asked when we were settled in the car.

"I'm fine, just stressing and I know it's bad for the baby but I can't help it. My parents kicked me out, Ezra is conflicted on what to do. I'm just a ticking time bomb and I'm going to explode at any time." I explained as stared out the window as we drove through town.

Once we made it back to Hanna's, Emily wouldn't help me grab the bags. She had all three bags in her hands as we walked up the stairs into Hanna's room. Spencer and Hanna were sat on the bed and had the movie paused ready to begin. We had all the snacks laid out on the bed and dug in as we starting the movie. I was enjoying being with my friends. I enjoyed having this connection and being able to tell them everything knowing they won't judge me for my mistakes.

"Have you heard from your Mom yet?" Spencer asked me shoving a chocolate finger into her mouth. I shook my head with a huge sigh.

"Nope and I don't think I will. My dad's got her convinced it was me who's caused our family to split." I shoved a pretzel into my mouth and savoured the taste. I continued to watch the movie, I loved this movie. High School Musical was my favourite childhood memory. I'm hoping that when my child is older, she'd love it just as much as I do. I'd love to have something in common with them and have something to bond over.

"Your Mom doesn't believe that Aria. She knows you had to keep quiet about the affair, she knew that this would happen to you." Emily said and I shrugged. I didn't know what to believe any more. I was so confused, no one actually had any thing else to say. No one knew what to say, they knew I was right but they also knew he had no right to kick me out.

"Well anyway. When are you going to see Mr Fitz... to talk. He wants to talk... right?" Spencer asked me and I nodded.

"I'm not sure. When, I guess I'll ask him tomorrow." I said and took a bite into my lemon drizzle cake. I did really want to talk to Ezra but I wanted to calm down first. I wanted to be able to do what I wanted without having to worry about a teacher finding out about me and Ezra. If anyone found out... I didn't even want to think about that.

"Good, you both need it. Aria, you need to give the man a chance, teacher or not." Spencer said and I nodded. I did agree, I was gonna give him a chance but being my teacher was the little step back that I had to overcome. I needed to talk to my Mom about this but I've not spoken to her or my dad since my Mom found out about the affair.

"So, has anyone else got a message from 'A' yet?" I asked quietly. I didn't like being threatened and I didn't want anyone else to be threatened either. It's a horrible feeling and as long as my friends are safe, I'm happy.

"Uh-" Hanna was cut off by my phone ringing. I pulled it out my pocket and it was my Mom. I looked up at the three girls.

"It's my Mom." I said with a small smile. I wanted to answer it but I didn't want her to think I was going to forgive her so soon.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Emily asked and I shook my head. I went to decline the call but Hanna snatched it out my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. But she ignored me. She accepted the call.

"Hi Mrs Montgomery." Hanna said into the receiver. Hanna looked at me and put it on speaker phone. "Pardon?"

"Is Aria with you, I need to tell her something...Something important." She said. I shook my head.

"No, she's in the shower, can I pass on a message?" Hanna asked. I bit my lip wondering if she was going to say anything to Hanna.

"Can you just tell her that I miss her and want her to come home. Please?" She sounded desperate. She sounded upset. A tear fell down my cheek as I listened to the pain in her voice.

"Of Course."

"Thank you. And Hanna, could you tell her that there's something she needs to know, but it's something I need to tell her face to face?" What did she need to tell me? What was so important it had to been said in person?

"Sure. Bye Mrs Montgomery, I'll make sure Aria stays safe."

"Thank you Hanna, I'll see you in school." With that My Mom hung up. The four of us looked at each other.

"You need to talk to her Aria. I could hear the pain in her voice." Emily said. I hated this. I knew she wanted to talk but I wasn't ready. I couldn't. I was still unsure of how to deal with all this. She didn't fight for me to come home after Dad kicked me out. If she really loved me, she would have came after me, she would have reassured me everything was going to be okay.

"I know. I hate this but right now I can't think of that... with Ezra, the pregnancy and this stalker. I can't deal with this too." I said and rolled onto my side. I laid there on the floor with my eyes closed. I wanted to sleep away the worries. Sleep and never wake up, then all this mess wouldn't be happening.

"I know." Hanna said softly and laid next to me. I felt her wrap her arms around me and stroke my arm. I smiled and began to drop off into a sleep.

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