Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I didn't know what was happening, it was going by so fast. I was emotionally broken and I wasn't paying any attention. Mona was at on Hanna's bed watching as Hanna was fussing over me and making sure I was comfortable. I was laid on the floor in the corner with a blanket wrapped around me. I laid there motionless and ignored everything around me.

"But why? Why here and why now? We were enjoying ourselves before she called you." Mona moaned, it was very faint in the back of my head. I sniffled.

"Because she's my friend and she needs me right now. If you can't accept that then you're not my true friend." Hanna defended.

"Who was the friend that helped you lose all that weight? The one who helped you become popular? Where was she when all this happened?" She argued. I crawled to the bedroom door and tried to get out unnoticed only that didn't happen.

"Where are you going?" Hanna asked putting her foot against the door preventing me from leaving. "You're not in your right mind to be driving around." She said and I rolled my eyes slightly.

"I'm going home. I'm obviously causing a problem being here. I don't want that to happen." I whispered hoarsely. She sighed and bent down next to me.

"Come with me." She said and pulled me up telling Mona to stay in her room. She took me down into the living room and we sat on her couch, she rested her hand on my knee and began stroking it. "I want you to read this." She said and handed me my phone that I didn't even realised she had.

"Can we talk?" It was Ezra, he had texted me only minutes after I arrived at Hanna's house. "Please Aria?"Was another one. "I love you Aria. Please don't do this. We can talk to your Mom and we can be together." was his last text. I guess he gave up when I didn't answer any of them. Even if I didn't know they were there.

"Why did you show me this?" I asked her quietly with tears streaming down my face. "You didn't like us together did you?"

"I didn't like the fact he was years old than you. I liked the fact he made you happy and yes I think it's too early to get together. I mean you only met him yesterday and you don't know anything about him but I know that you deserve to be his friend and work towards a relationship." She explained and I smiled slightly. She really was a good friend to me and I was lucky to have her back in my life. I still needed to talk to Emily and then bring the four of us back together again. I need my friends to advise me through this.

"Thanks Hanna." I said and she gave me a breathtaking hug. I needed to talk to someone and Hanna was the only one I could talk to.

"No Problem now lets go up stairs and watch a movie with Mona." I looked at her with a pleading look. "No, You two are going to get along. You're both my friends and we can all be friends." She said and dragged me up the stairs leaving the blanket that was wrapped around me on the couch.

Once we got back to her room, Mona was already engrossed in a movie. We quietly sat next to her and began to watch it too. I didn't know what it was about as I had never seen it before. I wasn't really paying much attention to anything but once my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and again was a message from Ezra. Hanna was reading over my shoulder and pulled it put of my hands putting it in her jogging bottoms pocket.

"No thinking about him." She whispered in my ear and I nodded. We both turned back to the TV watching the Movie Mona picked out.

Minutes later, I fell asleep dreaming about a life with Ezra.

The next morning when I woke up I saw unfamiliar surroundings. I looked around and saw Hanna and Mona asleep on the floor. I didn't want to stay here. I needed to get home and leave Hanna alone to be with her friend. I didn't like intruding on her while she's with the friend that was with her through Ali's disappearance.

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