Chapter 4

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The next night Charles came to get me at my apartment. He stayed so secretive the entire time. He didn't talk much and if I tried to guess what he had planned he would grin and tell me ."You'll just have to wait and see." By the time the car stopped I was so focused on getting him to tell me what was going on that I didn't even realize where we were. when I turned around there was a boardwalk and the ocean in the distance. It was a familiar and friendly sight, a welcomed place from our past. We had spent some of the best nights here at the Santa Monica beach.

In the distance was a place that Charles and I had our first date. It was a little Italian restaurant that sat right the boardwalk. The moon was high and full and the stars danced around it. I could still remember the moon's light reflecting off the still ocean water. Since the café was on the edge it had the most amazing view of the ocean and everything above it.

Two years after our first date he took me back to this same Italian restaurant. I wasn't expecting anything of course. He reserved the same table and ordered the same meals we had that night. Everything seemed as if he brought it straight out of the movies and placed it into the scenery. It couldn't have been more perfect. He had the chef make our favorite desert, Torta di ricotta. They only brought out one plate and right in the middle was an engagement ring.

I stared at the ring for a while then looked down to the side of my chair. Charles was on one knee with his hands reaching for mine. He took mine in his gingerly and looked me in the eyes, "Helen, you have always been there for me ever since that first day we meet in high school. I felt lost, then there you were. You came walking down that hallway and I thought you were just so beautiful. As I watched you walk toward me I prayed silently that we would meet.

"God answered almost immediately, you bumped into me right after I said amen. When I helped you pick up your stuff you smiled at me. You didn't say anything you just smiled, but it was enough to make me fumble over my words. Then you said thank you and turned around to leave. I thought you were going to be out of my life for good, but there you were in my math class. You were sitting in the back corner with your head down still stuck in that book. Whoever missed that day and left the seat next to you free I thank, because I would have never talked to you again if I didn't force myself to sit next to you that day. Three Months later we had our first date. I knew that night, right after you spilled your drink all over yourself, you were the one for me. I believe God brought you to me, and I'm not one to sneer at God's gifts, so will you marry me?"

I remember I was practically crying by the time that he had finished his speech. I had so many things to say but the lump in my throat was preventing me from speaking without crying. So, I nodded then whispered "yes."

Thinking of that night brought fresh tears to my eyes. Not sad tears, but tears of joy. That night had been the happiest that I had ever had, which was soon to be followed by the worst.

"Helen?" I turned to Charles "Hey, don't cry." He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed the tears away.

"I'm not crying because I'm sad, you ninny! I'm crying because I'm happy."

He laughed and hugged me, "you're calling me the ninny? Look whose crying!"

"Oh shush."

"Come on we better get going or they're going to give our table to someone else." I nodded and we got out of the cab.

The walk to the restaurant was impeccable. I looked above and sure enough the vast stars were there twinkling over my head, just like that first night. But it wasn't the first night and we both were not the same people. Both of us had changed while he was away, I just didn't know how much. The moon was full and big and it was shining so bright. It was so big that I swear if I just lifted my hand to the sky I could touch it.

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