Chapter 8

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"Wakey, wakey handsome." I whispered into his ear. I could hear a groan escape his lips as he turned over to try to block me out. Nice try handsome, but that is not going to stop me. I quickly moved from under the covers and put my knees on both sides straddling him. I leaned down and began kissing his forehead and cheeks. "Come on handsome, wake up." He peaked one eye open and grunted out an mmm-mmmm while shaking his head back and fourth.

I kissed his cheeks again and then went down to his jaw then his neck. "Please, handsome, just open your eyes."

He finally opened his eyes and placed his hands on my upper thighs. "I swear, you are going to kill me woman."

"No I'm not, I'm not finished with you yet."

"Well that is reassuring. So, what are you going to do when you are finished with me?"

"I don't know, but don't worry I don't think I will ever be done with you. Come on we have to check out and I have rehearsal today."

"I have an idea. Why don't we just stay here and do a little more of what we've been doing the past two days." He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer to him. Then rolled me onto my back so that he was on top of me. "I'm not quite finished with you either."

"Oh goodness, don't tempt me." I said between his kisses. "Oh, you are evil. . . Perhaps a few more hours won't hurt."

"Hahaha you have succumbed to my evil ways."

"You are being a very bad influence right now."

"Ah yes, but you make it so easy for me to manipulate you my dear."

"Well, I guess that just means I am a great big sap when it comes to you."

"The feelings are mutual."

Gosh, he knew how to tempt me and make me forget about everything else but him. Since when did he get so devil me care about things? This was a whole new side to him that I had never seen before. Was this one of his changes? If it was, I liked it. "I hate to be an ogre, but we really do need to do stuff today. And I have—"

"you have what?" I didn't say anything. He knew fairly well that when he kissed me on the hollow of my neck it always made me hyperventilate and lose my train of thought.

"Charles." I squeaked.




"I—" finally he stopped and looked at me with a wicked grin across his face. "I love you and I promise I will make it up to you tonight, but right now we have to check out, I have to get to rehearsal and then we have to go to the county records office."

"I know, it was worth a try anyway."

"I'm sorry my love, but I promise to make it up to you tonight. We'll kick Judy out and make her stay with Betty."
 He sat up and pulled me with him. "Oh, there's something I have to tell you. It was supposed to be a surprise though. When I first arrived in England I had written my parents to look into houses, because when I came back I was going to marry you if it was the last thing I did. Anyway, they wrote me back and found a house in a neighborhood about twenty minutes away from Joe's nightclub. I'd been saving a little money and I bought the house. I went to see it when I got back and it's perfect for us Helen, to raise kids and grow old together. I'll take you tonight after rehearsal."

"We have a house?" I said both a little scared and irked. He didn't even think to consult me in the matter. Then again he did say it was a surprise and i'm sure his heart was in the right place.

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