Chapter 12

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The weeks went by quickly, which was a much needed remedy. It didn't leave much time for me to dwell on Charles leaving. We spent most of our time preparing everything to go overseas. I was so excited for our adventure. I had never been out of the country and the fact that I was going for something that I knew mattered to others made me feel all the more anxious to get over there. Judy was all a buzz with excitement too. Neither of us ever thought we would ever leave the state never the less the country.

The army nurse corps was a great opportunity. Not only would we be doing what we loved, but we would hopefully put a little joy in the lives of the men over there. It was all for them after all.

London was a great and beautiful city. It took my breath away when we first landed. Hearing about the bravery of the English I was already prepared to meet them and their iron will. All those nights listening over the radio while the great Lion was being invaded I thought I had a fairly good sense just how strong the English were. When I met them it was still a great shock. To see them and to hear their confident bravado that we will win the war was certainly something to witness. The English most certainly did have a iron will.

When we first landed Judy and I got lost. It didn't help to ask for directions either. The accents were so thick it took all of my concentration to make out what they were saying. For a while I actually thought they were speaking another language. I suppose they were, the English language is vast and complicated, but it was the way thy articulated some words and enunciated others I barely followed. I also learned quickly that some words didn't mean the same as they did back home. And there were words that I had never heard before.

"Helen, I feel so lost. Are you sure he said it was this way?"

"Yes, well, from what I could make out. You know, its weird. I can understand some English people when they speak, but others I am completely lost."

"Okay, I think down this hall." The hallways of Croydon airport were just as any other I saw lately. Men in uniform, milling about some on their way in for furlough. Those who are go about the city to have the time of their lives. They look for any willing girl who could help them take their mind off of what they know is awaiting them when they return. Or to take their mind off the things they've seen. And, of course, there were couples saying their sad goodbyes. It gnawed at me knowing this was happening all over. How many lovers said goodbyes that ended being their last? It made my heart feel heavy knowing Charles and I could be that couple. We as humans tend to condense the world to what is around us and only what we know and see. We often forget how vast and big it is. We lose sight that somewhere in the millions of people in the world somebody has it worse than us. Somewhere in the world some poor girl is receiving a telegram with the words KIA, Killed In Action, printed on it. She would never be able to see his warm smile anymore, or hold him tight and tell him she loved him.

"Helen," Judy yelled exasperatedly "The exit is over here."

"How do you know?" She quirked an eyebrow at me and pointed up to a sign with the words Baggage claim and pick up.

"This may be some kind of indication. Wouldn't you think?"

"Alright, smart aleck." She snickered as we continued down the hallway. I didn't pay much attention to it I was too busy observing what was around me. Everything I looked at was new and exciting. Even the men in uniform. Although I have seen so many uniforms pass through in Los Angeles, I found myself inspecting the new color and the different way it hung on the lean bodies of the Englishmen. Everything was so different.

When we arrived at our meeting point and looked around we couldn't help but gawk at all the greenery. The heavy gray clouds above us that promised rain and I guessed they were no strangers to this area from the green surrounding us. We were supposed to meet someone who would take us to the company and our lodgings, yet we saw no one. Well, no one who was looking for us.

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