Chapter 19

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The next morning when I woke up I felt a heavy arm draped across my waist. Charles was still heavily asleep beside me. It felt normal to be snuggled in bed with his arm draped over me. I almost forgot what it felt like to be in his arms. I felt him shift behind me and make a groan.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Fine, there's still a small headache but its livable." My stomach made a loud grumble. "Are you hungry?"

I chuckled. "Yes, I'm starving and that's all your fault."

"My fault?"

"Why yes, if you hadn't been so distracting I may have ate more."

"Oh, I'm distracting?" He said with a chuckle.

"Yes, you have no idea how hard it is to concentrate on anything when you stare at me that intensely." He chuckled and kissed me again. "And you have no idea how hard it is to behave or think when you kiss me. I simply am not responsible for my actions when you—" He kissed me again.

"You were saying?" He asked smugly

"Exactly." My stomach rumbled again.

"Shall we get dressed and go downstairs then?"

"Yes, please." I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. "Me first." I yelled as I was closing the door. It was amazing how things changed in one night. Yesterday we were still mostly estranged now things felt almost normal. Like nothing had ever happened. Sleeping in the same bed was just about the best thing that could have happened. Thank you Lord. I needed last night. You knew I needed it, thank you.

I got dressed quickly and put on my makeup. I felt so elated like a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt like I was walking on air. Last night was a little piece of hope that Charles could return. He would be himself again. Well, as much as he can be his old self. We are liable to change as time goes by and both he and I had gone through a lot with the war that changed us. But the foundation will still be there. I'm not trying to hold onto someone who wouldn't return.

"You two look as cozy as two bugs snug in the rug." Judy smiled at us. "Whatever happened last night? On second thought don't tell me." She winked at us and walked through the doors. I blushed, Judy's mind could be so dirty.

As Charles pulled out my chair and tucked me back in I felt Judy's and Milena's stare making me feel all the more awkward. I understood their surprise at our sudden affection toward each other, but by heavens you'd think that they could hide it a little more. Charles didn't look like it bothered him at all though. He looked so calm and collected. He looked at the girls and chuckled then gave me a wink. I could hear the girls whispering to each other excitedly. I got the vague feeling that I was missing something the other three knew.

Lord and Lady Williams walked in cheerfully chatting to each other. They were much more affectionate to each other than I would have thought. I always thought of aristocratic marriages being one of convenience, to keep titles and all that, but they seemed to genuinely love each other. Then again perhaps I had seen one too many movies. "Good morning everyone. My you youngsters look cheerful this morning. I take it that you enjoyed your night?"

"yes, we did. Some of us more than others." Judy smiled at Lord and Lady Williams then whispered to Milena.

Lady Williams smiled awkwardly "We're glad to hear you enjoyed your stay. Well, we have a busy morning planned, which means we best eat quickly so you can change before we leave Diane dear."

"I'm already dressed mother."

"You're going to wear that around town?"

"Yes mother, I am. What's wrong with it?"

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