Chapter 21

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The months passed by in a blur Charles went out to UCLA daily trying to reapply for the medical program. He decided to pick up where he left off before the war. He always returned confused day after day, but he said some of it came back to him. Judy and I picked up right where we left as well. Both of us were back at Richard's performing every night. Charles came down every so often to see the show, but otherwise he stayed home and studied. When Joe returned Judy was ecstatic. He was all she talked about for weeks until his return. He proposed that first day we picked him up from the train station. He apologized for the hurried and unromantic way he did it, but he couldn't wait any longer until she was fully his.

Things went back to normal. . . somewhat. It was still a long uphill battle as Charles and I were finding an increasing list of things that had changed with each other, especially him. One night I had caught him on the porch with a glass of light brown liquid in it. Thinking it to be apple juice I asked for a sip and was in for a shocking surprise when I tasted the bitter taste of alcohol. "What is that?" I squealed.

He looked up confused as to why I made such a scene about the drink. "It's whisky, why?"

"Since when do you drink?"

"A Scottish friend of mine from the villa gave it to me once. Did I not drink before?"

"No, its not really what we do. Our body's are our temples for God. It's part of our message, to keep our body and mind clean for the Lord. To take care of it in both diet and spirit."

He looked down at the drink, "Sorry, I wasn't aware. I only drink when I think I need it. I had some bad memories come back last night and I definitely thought I needed it."

It was times like that night when he reminded me he was still remembering things about his time in the army and not home. I kept thinking back on Charles' mother and how she got angry with me. She practically accused me of not only not feeding her son right, but hinted that I wasn't trying hard enough to bring his memory back. What did she want me to do? Club him with a bread roller and hope all his memories get knocked back in?

Months passed before we had a letter from Milena. When I saw it in the mailbox I just about squealed with delight and ran to the house screaming for Judy. I was so excited to see what she had to say, especially about her wedding that was coming. Her mother was no doubt still ecstatic about the whole ordeal. Unfortunately, when we opened the letter we only found a desperate Milena appealing to us to come and aid her with the impending wedding. She said there was another matter she was worried about as well, but didn't want to disclose it in the letter. She sounded so worried and in desperate need for help. So, we packed up and headed out to England as soon as we could.

When we arrived Milena ran to us and enveloped us in the tightest embrace that I never thought her small frame capable of. Tears streaked down her face as she thanked us over again for coming back to help her. Whatever was wrong must have been a doozy, because I saw fear mixed with worry in her eyes. We had dinner with her family and to thank them for their hospitality Judy and I decided to help Mr. Burt's wife, Adele, with the dishes.

"You know, I aught to ask you guys to come around more often. This was a lot quicker than normal. I'd still be slaving over there." Adele plopped right next to us and smiled while giving Milena a kiss on her forehead.

"Who knew so many dishes could come from so little people. I mean I knew there are a lot of people here, but the amount of dishes seemed as if a whole army ate here." Judy complained.

"You should see it when Lady Lavianna hosts parties, I swear there are platters to be washed for weeks. It's quite an exercise lugging those things everywhere." She added.

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