Chapter 18

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When Judy and I first decided to make this trip and join the Nurse Army Corps I didn't think much about going back home. Now that it was ahead of me I had mixed emotions. I knew I would miss the girls in the company, I would definitely miss some of my patients like Ben. He came to see me off. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to him he was a good friend and I grew close to him with all our late night talks and my teaching him to dance. He seemed as if he was still on cloud nine from the night before. He said he was in love and the little Italian girl and that she was everything he was looking for. It made me happy to know that I was leaving him in a good place.

After we landed in London we headed into town. This visit was a stark difference from the first time Judy and I came. When we landed in London the first time both Judy and I were lost looking for our meeting point. That was where we met Milena, who knew that a few six months later we would be close friends.

Milena was excited to be home, so excited she made all of us stay with her family for the one night we were in town. It was a grand house, almost as big as the Buckingham palace, or so I thought. I was somewhat astonished to see it though. I always thought Milena came from a modest family, perhaps middle class. This was not middle class, in the slightest. "This is your home?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah, why?" She was twisting a piece of paper in her hands nervously.

"I just never thought you came from a place like this."

"Oh, this is nothing. You should see my aunts manor. We are the poorest in the family tree, the black sheep almost. They always look down on us, still they're family. Even if they are a bunch of stuffed shirts. Where is everyone?"

"Lady Diane, welcome home." A tall man around his early fifties of medium build, and dark brown hair bounded out of the house. He was wearing a dark suit with a black tie. He had a beaming smile that made his eyes crinkle at the edges.

"Mr. Burt, oh, it's so good to see you!" She ran to the man and gave him a big hug. It seemed like such an effortless gesture as if she had known the man her whole life.

"No my dear, it's nice to see you home. When your mother informed me that you were coming home the missus and I were positively elated. I have to admit I was ecstatic when I heard the news of your engagement, I can't wait to meet the young man. Your room is ready for you, and the missus has your favorite meal on the stove."

"You certainly know how to welcome a girl home."

"Oh it's nothing Lady Diane, we certainly have missed your presence around here. And who are these lovely looking people."

"Mr. Burt, this is Judy, Helen and Helen's husband Charles. They're friends of mine from the Army Nurse Corps. Mother did tell you that I was bringing guests, didn't she?"

"Yes, my dear, no worries."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Burt." I greeted. "It is a pleasure to be here."

"Yes, were all very excited to be here." Judy added.

"You're Americans." It almost sounded like an accusation. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. Our little lady hasn't brought many friends home, you must be special. The Lord and Lady will be glad to meet you as well."

"Speaking of Mother and Father. How do they seem? Are they happy, stressed, or mad maybe?"

"My darling girl, they have been talking of nothing else but seeing you. They are very happy that you are coming home. Come inside, and don't worry about your bags I'll have Seth take them to your rooms."

"Oh she has a concierge to take our bags to our rooms." I mimicked his accent under my breath and nudged Judy who giggled back with me.

"Can you believe this is her home? You think you know a girl."

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