Chapter 5

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When we arrived and I looked for Judy but she wasn't in the kitchen or in the living room. So, I asked Charles to wait in the living room while I went to look and see if she was in her room. Unlike the calming silence in the rest of the apartment Judy's room was all commotion. Both Betty and Judy were all but tripping over each other getting ready. I stood there in the doorway of her room for a few moments looking at them scrambling across the room getting ready, but I couldn't stay silent for long. They were picking up dresses then throwing them back on the floor then they would run to Judy's vanity and put on some lipstick then wipe it off. I think I even saw Judy get some lipstick on her teeth after Betty elbowed her while fidgeting with her hair. Before I knew it I was laughing. I really couldn't help it.

They both stopped dead in their tracks and stared at me exasperatedly, but I continued laughing. "It's not funny! We're in a hurry here, and if your boyfriend" she turned to Betty "would have said he was bringing friend with him earlier we wouldn't be in this predicament!"

"It's not my fault he changes his mind." Betty rebutted.

"Why are you still laughing?" Judy turned to me again.

"I'm sorry" I tried to stop my laughing but couldn't and retorted sarcastically "I didn't understand the gravity of the situation. You're both going out tonight?"

"I'm sorry, I would let you know earlier but it was late notice. Betty just let me know an hour ago, and I thought you'd be out with Charles all night. So, I thought it wouldn't be such a terrible thing for me to go out now. Are you staying, or are you just picking a few things up?" She gave me a wink.

"Judy," I said flabbergasted "no, but I have some big news. I'm getting married tomorrow!"


The next morning while Charles was making arrangements with the pastor from our church Judy, Betty and I got ready.

"Judy, I know its kind of a given, but would you be my maid of honor?"

"Oh honey, as if I would ever let anyone else be your maid of honor, but thank you I accept. Now let me take a look at you and see what damage you did over night." She let my hair loose and turned me toward the mirror. "We've got some work to do. Betty, what time is it?"

"About nine, we only have three hours left."

"And about an hour until the boys come."

Betty came out of the closet "is this the dress you wanted?" She held up a beautiful lilac dress.

Judy turned around "Yeah, thanks Betty. Come help me with her hair will you? The faster we get her done the faster we can finish getting ready."

"Yeah, sure hold on a minute though."

Betty patted my shoulder "You know, I think William is going to purpose?"

Judy stopped fidgeting with my hair and I turned to get a better look at Betty. "William is going to propose?" I jumped around to look at her.

She made a bashful look "I think he is. He has been saying some odd things lately. Sometimes he talks about our future, not just the close and foreseeable future, but the distant future. Like how it will be growing old together watching our grandchildren grow, and how big of a family he can see us having. That can only mean one thing, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"How did Charles do it?"

I chuckled a little "Which time, he purposed twice."

"The first."

Judy made a snicker "She had no clue! The poor sap, he had planned every last detail and she thwarted his attempt by cutting their date short. I remember I helped him pick out the ring. He was so nervous we looked at least a dozen rings. Non of them seemed to be right though, and this one over here" She forked her thumb at me "had no clue what was going on."

"I had no idea he was going to propose but in my defense he's always been a good actor and he knows how to make a sap out of me. Although, the second try went much more according to plan. I could tell something was wrong that night. He was a little fidgety and he hardly even ate his meal, which is highly unlike him. He took me to that little Italian restaurant by the beach. You know, the one on the boardwalk? When the dessert came there was the ring and him on his knees. He told me that he loved me ever since we first met in that hallway in high school and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me."

"Awe that's so romantic" Betty put her hands over her heart.

"What are you going to wear, Betty? You could borrow my sapphire necklace. Do you have a hat?"

"Hey!" Judy interrupted me


"You're taking my job!"

"Sorry, you have to approve of it though and do her hair. No one is a better hair and make-up stylist than you!"

She smiled triumphantly and did a little shimmy with her shoulders "Awe thank you, I know!"

We all laughed and they got back to doing my hair. Judy curled it at the bottom and brushed it out making waves in my dark brown tresses. It cascaded down over my back and in the front it brushed my shoulders, and at the top a victory roll on the right side complete with a red rose to compliment my lipstick and lilac dress. There would be no wedding dress. We neither had the time nor the means to afford such a beautiful thing. I didn't mind much, I was using my best dress and as long as Charles was there and it ended with us being man and wife, I was happy. With all the uncertainty of war I was just happy to have him.

When we were done we hurriedly sat both Judy and Betty to do their hair. We gave Judy's sandy mousy brown hair soft waves and curled the ends of her hair under. It was quite good, if I do say so myself. For Betty and I not being the stylists in the group we did pretty hunky dory. Even Judy herself said that we did a good job.

Half an hour later we heard a knock at the front door. Judy ran to the base of the room's door just before it opened. We heard muffled shouts and I recognized it was Charles' voice. I could hear his footsteps coming down the hall as he asked Judy impatiently why it was taking so long and if he could see me. Judy all but kicked him to keep him from entering and demanded that he not see me until we were ready and with no more questions about why it was taking so long. After a long argument between the two, Charles finally gave in and went to sit and wait. Judy came back into the room with a triumphant look. We finished with the touch ups on her hair and I chose the sky blue skirt with the matching jacket, and white blouse for her to wear, then we were finally done. 

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