Chapter 7

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I woke up next to Charles sleeping peacefully on the bed in our hotel room. We only spent two hours with Judy and the others before we left to seek our own after party. He was so sweet and attentive, always asking if I was okay. He certainly had filled out a lot more than I had realized, his muscles were thicker and he was leaner.

Now, looking so peaceful sleeping it almost seemed unreal that he was here with me. His wavy black hair was a mess over his forehead and his full lips were slightly parted. I could hear his heavy even breaths as he exhaled. He was just about the image of perfection, at least to me. I remember the first time I saw him, I mean actually saw him. I first met him when he knocked me down in the hallway, but I didn't take much notice I was in a hurry. I saw him in class later that day, but never paid much attention.

I didn't really notice him until Judy introduced us one Friday evening. There he was tall, and handsome. Far too handsome for me I thought, but he kept coming around and began inviting us places. I thought he would never be interested in me, so I kept as far from him as I possibly could, for as long as I could. He kept coming, and at first I thought it was because he was interested in Judy. It would have made sense if he did, Judy is beautiful, but one evening he came to my house and threw rocks at my window to ask me if I would like to take a walk with him.

I said yes half expecting him to ask me about Judy, but my heart fluttered in my chest like a wild bird trying to break free from its cage the whole time. I'm sure I looked like a complete fool the entire time we walked, but he didn't seem to care. We walked down my lane in silence for a few moments until, he turned to me and said, "I don't know quite how to do this, but I hope this sounds right. We've spent the last few months around each other and I have been feeling something toward you. I um— oh darn it all! Helen, I would like to take you on a date, if that is alright with you?" He was so silly, of course it was alright with me. It was almost like a dream come true! I felt just like Disney's Snow White. I still felt like her, with my snoring prince beside me.

Love is an odd emotion, it's not exactly something that can be seen directly, but it is definitely felt. It does't matter in what manner everyone feels love, whether it is the absence of love, the pain from unrequited love, the overwhelming emotion of love, or the sorrow of having loved and lost. Love is everywhere it surrounds us. I suspect love is like the holy spirit in that aspect.

Love is also something like wind. Both can be seen when you know where to look. Wind can be seen through the rustle of the trees as they sway back and fourth. Love can be visible in the eyes, it's hard to hide emotion in them. You can sometimes catch it when the one you love looks at you. When you see it, it's unmistakable. It isn't something you can ever forget. I saw it for the first time when Charles first kissed me. He brushed my hair behind my ear and his gaze was something I had never seen before, but it did send my heart racing and I knew.

I knew he loved me, he didn't have to say it, and if I ever had any doubts all I had to do was take one look into his eyes. Still, it was nice to hear out loud once in a while. He was everything I had ever prayed for and even more so. I was the luckiest girl in the world that he was mine. Don't get me wrong he is a very fortunate man to have me too. Who else would have waited this long for him? But I am truly blessed to be his wife.

As I reached out to run my hand through his wavy locks he opened his eyes. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Morning" he croaked.

"Morning" I whispered back.

"You know something?"


"I was kind of worried about what you'd look like in the morning. I thought you would look almost unrecognizable."

"Unrecognizable? Gee thanks-"

"No, wait let me finish before you start getting sensitive. You look absolutely beautiful and if this is what I have to wake up to every morning for the rest of my life I thank God, because I get to wake up next to an angel."

"Awe, thank you handsome. You're not so bad yourself. You do know you almost went south on that right?"

He chuckled a little as he leaned over to kiss me my forehead "but I didn't."

"mmmm no you didn't, now be quiet and kiss me."

"No problem." He chuckled. 

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