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Viktor's P.O.V

Yuri and I walked along the street, passing a variety of shops and only entering a few that peaked our interest. It wasn't late and we've only been out for about an hour and I was on the hunt for a movie theatre near by. I went to hold Yuri's hand only for him to put it in his pocket. I pouted a bit but brushed it off and kept looking until I found one, and I smiled.
   "Let's go to a movie", I said and turned to see that he wasn't there.
   "Yuri?", I called out, where the heck did he go he was with me a second ago. I walked around and re-traced my steps calling out for him but I didn't see him at all,"Yuri?! Come on don't hide from me!", I shouted out, people were staring at me but I didn't care. I was on the brink of crying, did he mean to leave me, did I do something wrong, did he get nervous and run off somewhere? All these thoughts were running through my head and I just running around looking for my husband.
   After about twenty minutes of looking (and crying), I spotted Chris.
    "Hey Chris!", I called trying to catch his attention.
   He turned towards me but got instantly worried,"Viktor are you okay?" I shook my head,"I can't find Yuri anywhere,he was acting weird earlier today and now he's just gone, have you seen him?", I asked him, rushing over the story quickly.
   "Whoa, Viktor slow down he probably just got lost this is a city he's only been in a few times for competitions", Chris said and put a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. I just nodded and then him and I walked around trying to find Yuri.
   I sighed,"I'm just worried you know?" Chris nodded saying that he got it and understood how I felt but I doubt he did.Yuri was everything to me and I'd hate for him to go missing, what if he's lost? He's probably so scared.
    We spent a little longer looking and I went and started asking people if they had seen him most of them just got excited because I was talking to them being the well known Viktor Nikiforov did have its down fall when your fans only wanted to about you, and not your missing husband. I sighed getting more annoyed by the people who weren't helping me.
  "Yes I get it you're one of my fans but have you seen Yuri katsuki?", I asked and then they shook their head no and then I went and sat on a bench.
   "Why don't you just call him", I heard a voice call to me, it was Minami the young skater whom was obsessed with Yuri.
   I looked at him and shrugged,"I can try" I pulled the phone from my jean pocket and quickly called his number and,of course,it didn't work.I wasn't going to stop trying though. I eventually just went back to the hotel hoping Yuri would come back eventually. I didn't know where he was but I was hoping he'd come back soon. I quickly texted him, telling him I went back to the hotel in case he went looking for me around the town and then left my phone in the bedside table.

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