Rough Morning

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Viktor's P.O.V

   I noticed the sun rising and the body stirring next to mine, he was waking up.
   I pulled him close, "Morning Yuri", I smiled and kissed him softly.
   He kissed back for a while but soon pulled away, "I have a headache Viktor", he whined out and I sighed and asked,"you drank too much Yuri, what happened last night?"
   He just looked down guiltly, "I was afraid.....", he said softly almost crying.
   "Of what Yuri? You've never done this before, especially not so close to a competition", I said and hugged him as tightly as I could without hurting him, trying to comfort him.
   "Your disappointment", Yuri said softly crying.
   I was shocked by those words,those two words that hurt me so much more than he probably thought,"Yuri look at me", I said, gently moving head to face me,"I could never be disappointed in you, no matter what you do. I'll always love you and encourage you and nothing you do can disappoint me, I promise."
   He was sobbing. What did I do wrong? Was this my fault?
    "Yuri why were you drinking last night though? You never drink before compitetion", I said worried.
   He shrugged and stated,"I thought at that point, I had nothing to lose."
   I held him, "Yuri, I love you so much, never forget that", I said softly.
    He nodded,"I know and I love you just as much I just-I don't know", he hid his face with his hands,"Yuri..I don't think you should do the competition", his head shot up like a bullet,"what?", he asked, his voice shaking,"I can't let you do t like this, you should stay home Yuri", he shook his head,"no I can do it, we can, please Viktor."
   "No Yuri I refuse", I said strictly.
   "V..Viktor", he was crying again and I held him close and kissed his neck trying to get him to stop. He didn't calm down much but it did help a little,"Think about my point of view here've had a breakdown...I think it's for the best", he shook his head,"I know where you're coming from but Viktor, I want to do this, I want to win gold so bad and I know I have a better chance with Yurio off sick, I absolutely have to do it this year."
   I realized this was about what I had said almost two years ago. "You don't have to win gold yuri.... I will still love you...", I said softly caressing his cheek but he pushed me away. "I can do this whether or not you want me to...", he said in a tone of his I wasn't familiar with, anger, he was angry at me.
    "Yuri-" he interrupted quickly,"No Viktor, I'm doing this today, I'm going to skate and you're not stopping me at my only chance", I stayed quiet after that as he wiped his eyes and got out of bed.
   I just stared in awe, was this the same yuri? What had I awoken in him and why did he look so thin lately?, "I'll support you.... If you tell me why you're getting so thin", I said a bit sadly. Yuri stopped in his tracks for a second before starting to walk again and get dressed, staying quiet,"Yuri! You can't ignore me like this! This is important, I'm worried about you!"
   He looked at me and gave a forced smile, "I just want you to see me at the same level as you", he said so coldly it felt as if he had sent me back to Russia.
    I couldn't say anything, I felt stunned into silence as he opened the door and left the room, leaving me sitting there like an idiot. What has come over him? This isn't like Yuri at all.

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