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Viktor's P.O.V

   I followed him quietly hoping to find out what was wrong. Was it me? Was it skating? Was it fans? Was it his family? Why wouldnt he tell me? I followed him to a small empty park in which he sat on a bench and just sighed. He didn't seem to do anything else, maybe a move to here and there but otherwise he seemed lost in thought completely. Why won't he tell me what's going on? Does he think he can't trust me? After all this time? No, he has to know! I've never let him down before, have I? I just continued to watch him until a little girl and her mother showed up and started playing. At that point I saw yuri look down as if he was sad or disappointed then I realized what was wrong. And then I realized I wanted it to but was to arrogent to see it. I'm depriving him of something so meaningful and so important. I looked down at the ring on my finger. Maybe to him this was all a big mistake, maybe he never did love me that way. Then I looked up and realized he was standing in front of me and I jumped.
   "I'm sorry...", I said softly and sadly.
   Yuri crouched down next to me,"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?", he asked and I just nodded, not wanting to think of a witty answer, not wanting to tease him in a playful way. I just wanted him to be happy, with or without me.
   "I'm sorry I can't give you what you want", I said looking at the little girl and her mom, I saw Yuri tense.
  "Viktor....", he said softly and kissed me.
    I was surprised at first, but eventually kissed him back, it was short lived as he soon pulled away,"But I thou-", he interrupted me again,"Don't assume things, Viktor."
   "I do that a lot, don't I", I laughed softly and Yuri hugged me tight.
   "I want you to watch me win today", he said smirking, lord help me this boy was gonna the end of me and it didn't help that I got turned on when he said things like that.
   I just nodded and sighed,"Okay Yuri, please don't scare me like that again",  he laughed softly and nodded,"I'm sorry for what I said", I didn't want to rise another argument right now, I don't want to ask him about it again right now so I just responded as calmly as possible,"it's okay", he said softly.
   "But yuri do you want a family someday?", I asked smiling softly. The expression on his face lit up as he just smiled, "Maybe one day", he said as he looked over at the little girl playing.

     And with that we went to the hotel grabbed the things we needed and went to the arena.

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