Chapter 3

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You wake up and you see Joker and his guy Frost. Great I can't go home at all without being kidnapped or terrorized.
"Hello Y/N, how are ya doll face?"
"I'm fucking great. Note the sarcasm in my fucking voice!!!!" He comes closer and smacks you across the face. You wish you weren't tied to a chair so you could beat the shit out of him.
"Y/N will you shut up. Frost get me my tattoo gun please."
"Yes Mr. Joker." Frost disappeared and about five minutes later he showed up with a tattoo gun and ink. Oh hell no I am not getting a tattoo you thought.
"What do you think your doing to me mistah' J?"
"I'm marking what is mine and doll face you are mine." You shake your head in disapproval.
"Ya know what I have a husband and he loves me and we are having a baby!" You lied through your teeth.
"Really Y/N I've been keeping a very watchful eye on you. I haven't seen you wear a wedding ring or have any man in your apartment. So mind tellin me again sweetie?" You spat in his face and he wiped it off with his handkerchief.
"I don't wanna belong to you or anyone else for that matter and besides you have your little Harley slut." He gritted his teeth at that remark.
"Harley isn't mine she left me for Poison Ivy." You started to laugh and you realized it wasn't a joke.
"Oh so now what I'm your new Harley?"
"No your gonna be better then her. And crazier and even more sexy. So what type of tattoo do you want doll face?"
"Can you untie me so I can draw it for you and show you where I want it?" You give him the pouty face and he untied you.
"Thank you daddy J. Now I want this" you draw a arrow that has the words slippery when wet below it." I want it right there." You point to your upper thigh. You see his pants get tighter and starting to form a tent. He growls with sexual frustration.
"Or you could do this." You draw the words ' JOKERS PROPERTY '. He smiled brightly.
"And where do you want it doll face." You smile your seductive smile. And point to you semi-prominent v-line.
"Here daddy right above the place you want the most." You lick your lips teasing him more and you slowly bite your bottom lip.
"Now doll face don't try that with me or else I'll have to punish you." Your eyes light up when he says the word punishment. ' what's happening to me?' You questioned your self. You slowly got on the floor and looked up at him with innocence in Y/C eyes.
*semi-long but I'm trying I'm so excited it hasn't been out even a week and I got 16 views I love you guys for reading this thx guys I owe you one >^_^< *

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