Chapter 11

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*ok the picture is of the outfit you find in the box, you choose which you get.*
You opened it to find a beautiful dress, ring and necklace. You quickly ran into your bathroom and you turned on the shower and stripped out of your clothes. You decided to shave this time, cause you don't wanna be the crazy hairy bush women. Once you were done you realized you still had 4 hours. You decided to check your phone for any messages but there was none, so you went on Pinterest and looked for some good make up ideas. You decided on light eyeshadow with winged eyeliner, a little bit of blush some primer, foundation, and finally some reddish lipstick. Carefully you applied all of your makeup, but you accidentally got your eyeliner in your eye. Carefully you went and grabbed the dress. When you put it on you realized it fit you like a glove. You looked into your full body mirror and you spun around.
"I'm a pretty princess." Next you decided to do your hair. Originally you were gonna have it in pigtails but remembering Harley you decided you curl it a little while most of it was still up in a perfect ballerina bun. You looked at the time and you had one hour left. You decided to go down into the basement to see what Jack had hidden down there. You opened the door and you heard muffled noises. Being the bold and daring person you are you walked further being able to now hear them a little clearer.
"HELP!!!" You walked down to the very bottom to see a deranged version of Ivy and Harley. Why would Jack keep them in his basement? Harley looked at you in disgust.
"Who are you and how did ya get inta' mistah' j's place?" You smiled brightly.
"Oh you didn't know. I'm Y/N and I'm here cause you miss slut left your poor mistah' j all by himself. I'm his first love. Now care to answer my questions toots?" She looked both baffled and pissed off. Ivy tried to calm her down.
"Yeah yeah what ever lady."
"Why are you being hidden in the basement?" She shrugged her shoulder.
"I dunno beats me."
"Ivy are you and Harley together like Ja- I mean Joker says?" Ivy's face showed a bit of embarrassment.
"Yeah I'm with Harley, and I love her so much." You awed at how cute this was.
"I have to go but when he leaves next time I'll bring some food ok." They smiled and said thank you. You quickly ran up the stairs to see you had about 15 minutes till he would be here to get you. You walked to the living room and turned on the tv. Nothing good seemed to be on so you decided to just watch Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay.(tbh he's hot who else agrees?) it was just getting good when you heard the fabulous 6 cylinder engine turn off. Jack came in and looked at you, his eyes filled with lust yet again. You politely got up and curtsied in front of the clown king.
"Damn Y/N I though it looked good on the hanger but damn it looks better on you." You blushed a bright shade of red.
"So Jack where are we going tonight?" He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"I was thinking my clubs or maybe we could go on a cute picnic by the coast."
"Hmm how about both Jack?" He noticed your anticipation.
"Are you sure?"
"Yup" you said being sir to pop the p.
*What do you guys think so far? Why does Jack have Harley and Ivy in the basement? Comment your ideas and I'll choose one to be feature in the reveal chapter.*

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