21 - Rai

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What da hell am I doin' here...?!

"Can't believe we're goin' to a white people party!" Nacio said, for the nth time...

"Just keep your mouth shut" I begged him, as I fondled around my white long sleeved shirt.

"You're nervous!" Nacio laughed, and I smacked him in the head.

"Is it her?!" I heard someone whisper behind the door, and a black guy opened it.

"No." Ian said, frownin' at us "Hey. Whit said you'd be here."

"Yeah." I mumbled, coughin' a little "Look... I brought beer. Whitney didn't say what to bring, so..."

"Oh. Thanks, man." Ian smiled and stretched his arm for us to go inside "Just gather in the living room. They're on their way. Five minutes, guys!"

The room was full of people from my high school. All of them, of course, looked at Nacio and I like we were the freaks in the zoo. Damn rich kids...

"Shh! The car is parking!" A girl shrieked, after peekin' through the dark blue curtains.

"Ok, guys." Ian said, turnin' off the lights "Not a sound, or I'll fucking kill you."

The front door opened, and we heard two feminine voices. One was Copper Girl, definitely, so the other must be Portia's, the birthday girl. When they got into the livin' room, Ian hit the lights.


And they all started to sing Happy Birthday, as a beautiful white and baby blue cake came out of the kitchen door, behind Nacio and I. Portia laughed, cried a little, and blew the candles. She gave away kisses and hugs, and Nacio and I kinda ran away to the kitchen, where the drinks were about to be served. Someone hit the music, and the party started.


"Nope." I mumbled to Copper Girl's voice "Just makin' sure I won't dehydrate."

I started to serve Nacio's beer to his red cup when I stared at her. My jaw fell. Santa Maria! She was tryin' to get to a high place in the white shelves, and all I could see was legs and back. Beautiful, maravillosa back! In a tight black long sleeved lace dress, her back completely naked, that girl made my insides turn to boiled water.

"Hey, pendejo!" Nacio growled, and I blinked.

I was wastin' beer. There was now a puddle on the floor. Whitney looked at us and rolled her eyes.

"Damn it... Don't make a mess!" She moaned, getting' a mop from a tiny door by the end of the counter "Ian's parents will kill him."

"I'll do it," I said, and even I knew my voice was raspy when I picked the mop.

"Are you... ok?" She asked, frownin'.

Yes. Just get away from me... please!

"Yeah. I'm fine." I mumbled, cleanin' the fuckin' mess I made.

She shrugged and started to serve some drinks. Many guys walked by and tried to hit on her. Surprisingly, she just talked politely and handed out drinks. Never flirted with any of them. Weird... Was she... gay?! Oh shit! NO! She can't be gay! Not that I... I mean, I don't really think that being gay is bad. But she can't be gay! What a fuckin' waste!

"Want a drink?" She asked me, smilin' "You look like you're in pain. Relax, Rai. No one's gonna jump on you."

I wish you would...

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