25 - Whitney

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"Earth to Whitney."

I looked up from my notebook and stared at Portia, sitting next to me in Spanish class.

"What happened?" She asked, suspicious.


"Whit, you have had that stupid smile on your face since I got to your place." Portia lowered her voice, and leaned against my desk "I know something happened."

"Nothing happened!" I said, but I still had the same grin on my face.

I couldn't stop smiling since Portia's party. How could I?! I practically had a date with Rai Vega, and not just any date but the best date ever! Why? 'Cause he was so sweet and helped me clean my friend's place, and then helped one of my best friends. The best part? He didn't gossip to anyone. Darren was afraid of that, but I didn't even ask Rai not to say anything, 'cause... I just knew he wouldn't tell anyone. Which is stupid. You shouldn't trust anyone you don't really know. So why did I trust him?

"Something happened, Whit. I've known you since we were three!" Portia whispered, making sure the teacher didn't get us talking "I would bet my right arm that you have some juicy gossip!"

"Not gossip." I giggled like a little girl "OK. Don't freak out, alright? Promise?"

"Pinky swear" She whispered, giggling too.

I told her all about the party, about how Rai had helped me clean Ian's place, about how he helped Darren, how sweet he had been taking care of me. About what he had done in detention, and all the things before and after that. She listened 'till the end, her mouth open, her eyes huge.

"Wow..." She whispered, in the end, "You kissed him on the cheek?!"

I frowned and pouted.

"If a guy did all that for me, I'd kiss his toes!" She assured me, and I giggled again "He likes you."

"He's just a friend." I muttered, and she grinned "Stop! He is just a friend. And not even that, I don't think..."

"Huh huh..." She was still grinning.

Ok, so maybe Portia was right. I was kinda growing a crush on the gang guy. Stupid, right? Still, he had been sweet to me and helped a lot. God... Who was I kidding? I'd been looking for him all day long since he skipped English in the morning. Where the hell did he go?! Why wasn't he in school?

"Hi, Nacio" I greeted, as I passed by his table at lunchtime.

I swear, the entire cafeteria stopped and stared at us. Nacio let some fries fall from his open mouth.

"Huh... Hey." I said again "Look... huh... is Rai... huh... ok? Didn't see him today."

Nacio stared at me for a while, and only when one of his Mexican friends elbowed him, did he blink and talk.

"Yeah. I mean sure, he's fine." Nacio coughed, his hands to his clothes and hair "He just... you know, didn't feel like comin' in today."

"Oh... ok. Thanks" I smiled a little, and joined my friends at our table.

"You ok?" Darren asked me, as I took my seat next to him.

"Yeah. Fine" I muttered, still looking at the Cuervos' table, my eyes trying to see if Rai was hiding in the middle of his group of friends.


I walked to my father's bakery after school. My car was still in the auto-shop Rai had recommended, so I decide that walking would be a great exercise after pom's practice. I didn't even change clothes, walked straight to Central Square.

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