Ohhhhhh Darkimoo.....♡

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I wake up in Dark's arms and I blush a bit and snuggle up against him again. I fall back asleep until I hear my stomach growl. Fuckin dammit stomach, let me snuggle a little bit more. I stay in his arms until my stomach starts hurting. Fine! I'll go eat. I slowly move my body until I'm sitting up, I try to get off the bed only to be pushed back down by Dark's arm. "Hmm, stay a little while longer, your warm." He mumbles out still sleepy. "I would Darki, but I'm hungry, lemme eat and I'll come back." I tell him. "Mkay, hurry up please." Dark says letting me go. I go downstairs and get out cooking supplies. I decided to make some pancakes for Dark and I. After I'm finished cooking I put the pancakes on a plate and hurried upstairs. "Finally, your back." He says as I walk in. "Sorry, but I made you pancakes!" He looks up at me happily. We eat pancakes and watch a movie that Dark started watching called The Purdge? I think. It was pretty interesting and Dark said it'd be cool if we teamed up on it. Since we basically have the purdge down here in Hell. We laugh a bit as we get up and get ready for the day. I head to my room to get some clothes on and Dark gets his clothes on too. I come out of my room and head downstairs to see Dark. I stare a bit at what he has on. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a red flannel with cut off sleeves and tight black jeans as always. "Anti? Hey? Anti!" I hear my name and I start shaking. I snap back to reality and see Dark yelling my name and shaking my shoulders. "Oh hey." I say. "God Anti you scared me, you okay?" He asks. "Yea im fine. Just admiring how hot you look." I tell him pulling his shirt to my face. I let go and walk out to the car. I look back and see Dark blushing and straightning his shirt. I giggle at my cover up and get in the car. Dark walks up to the car and slams the door shut when he walks in. I look over to him his cheeks still slightly pink and smoke coming from all around him. "Awe, what's the matter Dark...?" I ask him smirking a bit. He looks at me with glowing dark red eyes and black smoke oozing from all over him. I gulped and started to shake. Oh shit.


"Awe, what's the matter Dark...?" He asked with a smirk playing on his lips. I turned to him with my eyes glowing and black smoke coming from around me. He gulped and shook. "Oh shit." He said barley audible. I smirked and grabbed him by his shirt as he did with me and pushed the back of his head forcing it to crash his lips into mine. I looked him in the eye and told him, "Think twice before doing something like that." I let go of his shirt and he nodded and buried his face into his legs. I glanced at him seeing a tint a pink of his cheeks. I started the car and drove out of the drive way. As we were driving Anti sat back to normal and stared out the window. "Bbbbzzzzz." My phone began to buzz and I handed it to Anti and told him to read it. "Hey Dark I was wondering if me and two of my friends could come over tonight." Anti read out. "Who was that from?" I asked still keeping my eyes on the road. "Uh, some guy named Brofist?" He told me. Huh, Brofist, I haven't talked to him in forever. Yea sure I guess it'd be fun. "Say yea sure be at my house by 9." Anti nodded and responed to Brofist. Anti and I arrived at the mall and I gave him $30 to buy some new clothes. His eyes lit up and he hugged me before walking away. I went into a couple of stores and bought some black and grey jeans and some leather and cut sleeved Jean jackets. I called Anti to meet me in the front of the mall. He texted back he'd be there soon. Anti showed up shortly and I pecked him on the lips then took his hand and walked out of the mall.


We arrived back at out house and we got ready for our guests coming over. I didn't know who this Brofist guy was, but he was Dark's friend so I knew he'd be chill. Dark told me to change into something nice so I did. I put on my green and black sweatshirt and I white shirt underneath with some black ripped jeans. I came downstairs and went to Dark sitting on the couch. He motioned me to come snuggle so I did. I laid my body out and put my head in his lap. I looked up at him and asked, "Who's Brofist? And who are his friends." He smiled and answered me. "Brofist is Pewdiepie ' s logo. Or alternate self. His friends are probably Sup guy, Cinnamon Toasty, and Tiny Box Tim, some of the other youtubers logo's or like I said, alternate selfs." I nodded. He patted my head and we both watched a show until our guests arrived. I guess I was really tired to not feel Dark get up. I stood up still sleepy and headed to the kitchen where Dark was making food. I saw him taking out cookies and my eyes lit up. I snapped and the tray of cookies were in my hands. "OW!" I dropped the tray because it was super hot from coming out of the oven. Thank god Dark saved the cookies with his smoke. He put them back on the tray and ran to me. "Anti! Are you okay? Let me see your hands." He told me sternly. I showed him my hands and I cried a little when he touched them. "Oh Anti... hold on." He told me. I was wiping away my tears as Dark got some medical tape and wrapped it around my hand. "Thank you Dark." He nodded and gave me a hug as he carried me to the couch and told me to stay til the guests came. I sat there watching TV and Dark came back with some cookies.

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