Help Please! Part 2.

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Previously on Help Please!....

I grabbed a mic from the Dj and sang the lyrics while body rolling and rocking my hips even more sexier than before. "No where to run boy, run, come here right now, right now, right now...."

Present day...

After the song ended I through my hands in the air and took a bow. The men and women clapped and applaused. I stood back up and smirked. I might be drugged up but my dance moves are pure sober talent. I walked off the stage and the manager came up to me. I held my hand up. "Look I'm sorry I took the spotlight of your strippers I was just doing what the Dj said in my defense." The manager just laughed. I looked at him, damn he's kinda cute. He had a white collared shirt and a black vest over it. And he had the lightest brown color of eyes that looked even brighter with the club lights reflecting off them. I shook my head confused. "No m'am, I approached you because I want to offer you a job. The crowd had never been this active and alive before and even my dancers are jealous of you! I have to have you come work for me." He said with begging eyes. "How much would I get paid?" I asked. "About $45 an hour with those kind of dance moves. Plus some people pay you to dance for them and you get tips so it's high pay. Please m'am." He said. My jaw dropped that's a lot of money for just dancing. "Can I get back to you in about a week? I need to think and plan things." I asked him smiling. His eyes widened and he shared a even bigger smile. "Yes! Of course! Um here." He said. He pulled out a business card. "Just in case you forget the name of this club and my names Jonathan, but my dancers call me Jon." He said handing me the card smiling. I took it and put it in my backpack. Thanks Jonathan, see you round I guess. "Pleasure was" "Erinn, the names Erinn." I said. "Well the pleasure was mine Erinn, can't wait to hear back from you." Jon said back winking. I laughed and walked out of the club into the dark night. "Shit it's cold." I said to myself walking back to the hotel. I crouched down and opened my backpack. "Fuck.. I left my jacket in my room." I growled and grabbed my cap then closed my bag. I put the cap on along with the bag and continued walking. I rubbed my arms trying to keep warm and started to sing. "It hurts so good. Da da da da da da. Your love is like..." Just as I finished singing one of my favorite songs a gust of cold air went past me. "Fuck fuck fuck....." I whispered shivering. I kept walking hoping I'd warm up. "I should've brought my fucking ja-" Before I could finish my sentence I felt dark presence behind me. I looked behind me, nothing. "That stupid drug making me go crazy." I mumbled. I turned back around and collided with a strong body. I fell to the ground. "Son of a-" I whispered touching my head. I looked up and saw a tall man, he had a dominant aura on him. "Sorry I ran into you but can you kindly fuck off so I can go home?" I said getting up. The man chuckled deeply but didn't move. "I said fuck off!" I raised my fist and swung down. The man caught my wrist and pinned me to the brick wall next to me. "You still don't remember to not raise your fist near me baby girl?" I shivered and the stomach dropped. "D-dames?" I accidentally stuttered. "Yes~?" He said. "L-let me go!" I yelled trying to brake out of his grasp. He turned me around and pinned both of my hands above me on the wall. He clicked something around my neck that I couldn't see. My eyes widened as he lifted my chin so that my focus was on his dark yellow eyes and not on what was on my neck. "I know you have powers Erinn, you can't hide them very well." He taunted. "Shut up!" I growled trying to get out. He grabbed both of my hands and held them tightly above my head with one hand. "Just come home with me, we can have fun like we used to and I can help with your new abilities." I gasped. He was a demon too, how was I so blind to see that?! He ran his hand down my waist and then gripped my hips. "W-what are you doing?!" I yelled kicking my legs. "Trying to remind you how much you miss my touch~" Dames said smirking. "I hate you! Get off of me!" I yelled louder. His eyes glowed and he glared at me. "That's it you little brat! I gave you a chance to give in but now you give me no choice!" He growled. He put his leg over mine so I couldn't thrash or kick around and he gripped my hands tighter. I yelled louder hoping someone would hear me but it was no use, we were in an abandoned alley. And no one would come and save me. Just as I closed my eyes and knew he was going to do something to me, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My eyes opened and looked down to see Dames with his fangs in my neck. I screamed out from all the pain. "Help Please!" He bit the certain place on my neck to make me lose my voice. I tried yelling and screaming but it was no use. "Its a shame you made me take your pretty voice away, I'll give your voice back once we're home." He told me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I knew I would never get home now, I belonged to him again. "Might as well slip into your old submission, we both know your not escaping." He ordered me. Just as I was about slip into his submission I heard a sound of pain. I turned around to see Dames on the floor passed out. I gasped and was scared as hell. A hand cupped my mouth and I started to really panic. I thrashed around trying to get the person off me. "Erinn chill it's me!" Oh no! It's one of Dame's bodyguards! I managed to get out of his grip and punch him in the face. "Shit!" He man yelled. I was about to make a run for it but before I did the man said something. "Geez miss I didn't know you had such a strong arm..." He groaned. Miss? It's Evan!!

Evan's P.O.V

Erinn turned around running to my aid. She looked scared and panicked trying to see the damage on me. "It's okay, if I was in your position I'd punch me too." I said laughing off the pain. She frowned and tears started to form in her eyes. "No, no, no, I said it's okay! I'm okay not hurt at all." I snapped and my body was surrounded with constillations healing me. Her eyes widened and she fell back.

"Yea I have powers too, I was going to tell you today but you ran off

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"Yea I have powers too, I was going to tell you today but you ran off." I noticed she was strangely quiet for all this happening. "Why aren't you screaming or yelling anymore? I thought you'd be a bit more loud about this." I asked. Tears fell from her cheeks. She pointed to her throat then to the man I knocked unconscious. "He took your voice?!" I asked with shock? She nodded and held her neck. I ran over to her and wiped her eyes. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here to help you." I moved her hand from her neck and stepped back. "H-he b-bit you?" I stammered in fear. She grabbed her neck again and pointed to something above the bite mark. It was a collar of some sort. That just freaked me out more. "Are you gonna become a vampire? A werewolf?!" I yelled. Her eyes glowed neon purple then to yellow. "Erinn I'd love to help you and everything but this is way to serious and dangerous even for me. I'll get your belongings and then teleport you back home." She smiled and nodded her head. I snapped and we were back at the hotel in her room. I grabbed her stuff and put them away then opened up a portal. "Goodbye miss, I will treasure the time I had with you. And I hope one day I'll be blessed to see you again." I kissed her cheek and she wiped her tears away. She handed me a note then jumped into the portal. I opened the note.

"Dear Evan, thank you for all you've done for me. I wish I stayed that day when we both fell down that hill, and I wish we talked about more at the café you took me to. I hope we meet again one day but until then, find me in the stars." -E☆

I smiled and held the note close to me, "Until then miss."

Author's Note
Well sorry for taking super long to post. Life without Wattpad has been hard, hard? bad, bad? Has been rough, kinky ;) (if you get that reference I love you) but anyway I might explain what's been going on in my other book. The next chapter will be up in a week if my homework doesn't take 5 years to complete. But I hope you liked this chapter and please leave comments if you like this Erinn character, if you don't I'll repost chapters without her in it. Meaning, I'll delete her out of the book. Thank you for reading my lovely potatoes and I'll make the chapter as soon as I can. That's it so I'll see all of you potatoes in the next chapter BUH BYE!!

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