CHAPTER 3 - Lost and Found

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"Arbiter?" Master Chief asked as he lowered the Assault Rifle, "What are you doing here?"

Arbiter looked confused and lowered his Battle Rifle down. "I've been assigned as the leader of this operation. We are trying to learn about the tribe that we've found here."

Master Chief stood up. "Where are we exactly?"

"Right now? Now we are in the outskirts of the tribal town of the Flood-!"

He was interrupted by Master Chief's speed as he was thrown to the ground with a pistol on his throat.

"No.No. It's not what you think it is." Arbiter wheezed.

"Are you out of your mind? The Flood are dangerous!" Master Chief warned.

"No.Not all of them are. These tribe members are not that kind of Flood.They are safe to be around with." Arbiter said as he pushed Master Chief off his chest. "I'll explain it to you later, let's just go into town and show you to Admiral Archer."

Master Chief walked slowly behind Arbiter as they approached the lower ground where the human soldiers and Flood stood guard.

"Now that's something that I wouldn't have seen ever since I was created"Cortana commented before the continued down hill in silence.

"So..." said Admiral Archer, "you are the infamous Spartan 117,otherwise known as 'Master Chief'"

Master Chief stood there silently.

"Alright, since the destruction of Halo, we, humans have continued to explore space. That is when we found the Lavin galaxy; this galaxy.

"When we found the Halo, we were surprised like you were. I mean, we had supposedly destroyed the Halo galaxy. That was when we found the Flood. But these Flood were not like the ones we encountered in the Halo galaxy. They were peaceful.

"Anyway,we were curious. So we decided to make a treaty. For one and a half years we have been here under the treaty. Learning what we can from the Flood, about the Halo and what happened at the past.

"We've learnt everything we know from this tribe. But we have gone exploring from a bird's eye view and from a ground view and I have received reports that there is another village near the mountain north of here." Admiral Archer paused to take a sip of water.

He placed the cup down on the table. "I would like you to lead a group on a recon mission on the village."

"Fine."Master Chief answered flatly.

"Okay then, Arbiter, I want you to help Master Chief and bring another team with you." Admiral Archer said.

Arbiter and Master Chief left the office silently. But there was something that Master Chief couldn't explain. He had a bad feeling about the recon mission. But he decided to forget about that and followed Arbiter out into the town's courtyard.

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