CHAPTER 7 - Emergencies and Infections

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A week has passed since Red A and red B arrived once more onto the main base. A soldier among them has been put into the infirmary when he was diagnosed with a sickness the doctors have not found the cure for.

Master Chief stood behind Admiral Archer's desk next to Arbiter.

"John, Arbiter," Admiral Archer started, "I have ordered you up here to give you your next missions."

"I'm sorry sir, did you say 'missions'?" Arbiter asked.

"Yes. You two are going to have separate missions this time," Admiral Archer stood up and continued, "Arbiter, I want you to go back to the village and continue your research there."

He looked at Master Chief, "Now, because of your experience, I have set you on a mission to investigate the neighbouring tribe. The one that the tribe-leader said was 'infected'..."

"Yes sir," Master Chief said.

Arbiter left and just as Master Chief was going to leave, Admiral Archer called out to him to stay.

"I know you have a serious grunge on these guys John. But that doesn't mean you can go into the village and destroy everything in it.Please, just watch their behaviour and kill if you have to, alright?"

"Yes, sir," Master Chief answered and left the room.

The Pelican flew silently, inside all of the soldiers' earpieces information about the mission was read out.

Master Chief looked out silently at the horizon. They were flying low above the forest and all was quiet for now.


"What was that Cortana?" Master Chief asked.

"Someone just shot the ship," Cortana answered darkly, "We're going down."

Arbiter jumped out of the Pelican as it lowered onto the landing ground. The tribe-leader ran at him.

"You shouldn't come back here," the tribe-leader said.


"It's...them,they're back. The demons are back!" the tribe-leader screamed out of fear.

The tribe-leader slumped on the ground as soon as he finished talking.Arbiter saw an Infection Flood Form on him that started the mutation process. Arbiter shot the mutating tribe-leader and the mutation stopped.

He shot the head off and looked up.

The soldiers started to panic.

Over the Holy Mountain, Arbiter can see Flood swarming over it coming down to the town, fast.

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