CHAPTER 4 - Pelicans and Warthogs

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It's been two weeks since the groups Red A and Red B touched down to the Flood tribe. Master Chief is the leader for Red B and Arbiter is the leader for Red A.

Master Chief walked around the town.

"It's pretty advanced to be called a 'tribe.'" Cortana commented randomly. "It's technology is very similar to the Covenant's in the Halo galaxy."

Master Chief stopped and looked at the Flood tribes-people doing their everyday life. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that maybe, just maybe, the Flood and the Covenant were a type of family and over time evolved in different ways. Or maybe one of the races visited the other and adapted the technology from the visited race." Cortana explained.

Master Chief kept walking. He turned into an alley and exited the other side and met with the rest of Red B just as they planned before. They patrolled down the street quietly when Arbiter came through the radio.

"Red B, Red B are you there?" Arbiter asked.

"This is Master Chief. What is the matter?"

"What is your current status?"

"We are currently near the North gate of the village. Why?"

"There came warnings that a child has been kidnapped by a member of the neighbouring tribe. The suspect is heading up the Holy Mountain."Arbiter said.

"Right.Come on soldiers." Master Chief signed off and started walking quickly to the North gate.

They exited the village and walked closer to the mountain. Master Chief hold up his fist and the soldiers stopped. Master Chief looked around.


That was the alarm but as Master Chief turned around, a Flood combat form attacked one of the soldiers.


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