CHAPTER 15 - Fin Part 2

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Then everything was silent. They had crossed the bridge halfway when the bridge shook a couple of times. Master Chief placed the problem away,thinking that it was just the movement of the seven of them crossing the bridge that was making the shakes. But then there was a major jolt. Master Chief turned around and lifted his gun up. He was taken by surprise. Standing before him was Flood Combat Form/Arbiter.

"What John? Is something bothering you?" he said.

"Arbiter...what happened to you?" Master Chief asked.

"Oh,you finally noticed. During the 48-hour break, the Flood secretly took me and infected me. They infected me John...I tried to fight them. But I was too weak. There's a thing about their mutation. They can allow the host to speak for their own will but they have the rein at arm's length. I'm speaking right now Master Chief. Please, whatever you do, kill me. I do not want to be"

Then Arbiter stood up straight. "Thank you for that testimony...Arbiter.But now it is time for Master Chief to die."

With that Arbiter leapt at Master Chief.

Master Chief turned and ran. But suddenly found out that the Combat Form/Arbiter has the original specialities of a Flood. In other words, Arbiter managed to jump over Master Chief and onto the other side.

Master Chief took out the pin of a grenade and hold back his hand.

It must be just right for this to work.

Master Chief threw the grenade and Arbiter watched it go over his head. The grenade landed and exploded at just the right spot. It sent Arbiter flying through the air and land on the bridge. Master Chief turned around and looked down at Combat Form/Arbiter.

"Kill me, I know you can't—Kill me now John. Before he takes over and kills you. I don't want to be this monster." Combat Form/Arbiter yelled.

Master Chief paused and lifted his gun and shot a few rounds that killed Combat Form/Arbiter. Before Master Chief left, he made sure that the head was off the body.

Master Chief ran out of the building and looked around. The Flood was jumping onto planes. They seemed to know what they were going to do.Master Chief looked around and was in luck. The Flood had left the Pelicans for transport and there seems to be one that they have left alone.

Master Chief started to run at the ship and managed to get to it with no problem. He got onto the bridge and prepared to bring it up. That was when he felt a huge slump and he put Cortana on the wheel. He grabbed his gun and turned around and walked onto the docking deck. There he was met by the Head Gravemind.

"I knew you were here." Gravemind said to him. "So, you managed to kill Arbiter, your friend. But what are you gonna do now?It's too late. We have started the infection invasion. As we speak right now, ships filled with Combat Form/marine soldiers are coming out of orbit to the ship that is orbiting the planet. Once we takeover the ship, the invasion of your planets will be complete."

"It is never too late if there is a human soldier still fighting."Master Chief commented and continued shooting at Gravemind. Gravemind staggered back and Master Chief placed his last grenade into the mouth and pushed Gravemind off the Pelican.

Gravemind fell and exploded on the ground. Master Chief ran back to the bridge and took over the ship.

"We'll never survive the explosion of the planet." Cortana said worriedly.

"We will. And we will stop the Flood race once and for all."


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