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Song choice :"Leaving on a Jetplane" by John Denver


  Alexander Imperyal sighed deeply.

He's finally leaving France where he accomplished all his life goals. But maybe it's for the best; for chasing his dreams made him lose sight of whom he was. He was so blinded by his ambition that he forgot he had someone waiting for him back in the Philippines. He thought they had forgotten about him; it turns out, it was he who forgot.

But nevermind that; he's now going back to his homeland. He's going back to the place where he first learned how to fondly dream and love. His beloved Vivienne was his prime motivation to dream big – to aim high and to never give up. She has always been there to support him, and he made sure to do the same. The only hindrance in their love was her parents. So he swore he'd do everything to get his beloved, even if it means he had to temporarily leave to make a name for himself. He'd make sure that when he returns, her family will finally like him.

Now, he has accomplished all his goals and everything that he's ever aimed for; perhaps more. But why does he feel like he's no longer worthy of her love? In his disordered mind, he prays she'll forgive him. When he left, he didn't dare to send her letters or even call her. Her overprotective parents made sure of that; it's why he made sure that when he comes back, he'd be the only one they'll ever want for her. Although he never told Vivienne the precise reason his sudden reappearance, he hopes she will forgive him.

The private plane has arrived. But with millions of thoughts racing through his head, all he could muster now was a deep sigh – And not even that of relief. How will he start all over? He wonders if the family he had left behind still welcome him back? Does his beloved still love him? He wasn't even gone too long, yet he feels like it's been a long, long time. And again with the fact that he hadn't dared to send a message during the time that he was away. He kept pondering over these questions in his head, and when he couldn't anymore – he let out another deep sigh as he mindlessly descended the stairs of the aircraft and briskly walked towards a building. He had barely noticed a woman looking at him as he kept walking with his head down.

"You're back."

The voice he hadn't heard in a long time. In his hurried pace, he did not notice there were other people besides aircraft personnel. But his keen hearing could not be mistaken; it is her. His Vivienne.

He turned around to see if it was truly her who spoke with so much raw emotion. Burning tears were building up in the woman's eyes, and she's carrying a child who looked to be around two years old. The woman walked towards him when he just stood frozen there on the ramp, his mouth gaping open in genuine surprise. And because of his shock, he hadn't realized the woman locked lips with him with such passionate fervor. His shock was fleeting and he began to kiss her back, but their passionate reunion was disrupted by the small child.

They parted and laughed with tears of joy.

Now he knows the answer to whatever goes inside his tumultuous mind.

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