Chapter III: Victory Party

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"We Are The Champions" by Queen


August 17

We won! Xavier and I won! I can't believe it. Though this could mean we won't get to spend as much time with our respective beaus. Sad.
Anyway, we're holding the Victory party tomorrow night. Wait - Victory Party or Induction Ball? Basta, it's a night for all the students. I'm excited.
Now, Tessie, the girls and I will go to our glam squad para we're prepared tomorrow night.
Mom and dad are out of town again. Not for another business trip, but to accompany Tobey in a Comic-Con! He probably is the biggest geek in the family. They'll be away for a week or two again. If there were really no classes, I'd go with them!

* * *

"Look who's here."

Tessie and Sam turned around to see who spoke. Aside from other patrons, Tessie and Sam didn't have any of their other friends or acquaintances with them. Their other friends, Winona, Hiyas, Antoinette, and Patricia were still at some clothing store, choosing outfits and it's taking them forever. Tess and Sam were in the salon for a spa session. They didn't think they'd cross paths with Frieda AND Janella.

What the freaking hell. And they're together too, huh?

"It's a small world, Frieda", Tessie replied, with a trace of venom in her voice. She probably wishes the world isn't small enough that they'd have to cross paths with these vile girls at a salon.

"Like your girlfriend over there. Hahaha," Janella interjected.

And of course, she's ridiculing Samantha's awkward height. It really is slightly awkward considering Tessie stands at 5"8 and Sam just at 5"3.

"Short girls are the cutest," Tessie said, defending her best friend.

"But not the prettiest. When she's with Coltrane she looks like his personal assistant." This time it was Frieda who took a jibe at Sam. The other patrons who overheard the discussion looked at Frieda with disapprovingly; they don't want unnecessary word fights in the place where they came to relax.

"Sorry, but we don't entertain petty fights here. It's causing our customers distress. They're here to unwind. If you please just go outside to resolve your issues - it would be much appreciated," the manager of the salon said. She's the daughter of the school's guidance counselor.

"Hmph. C'mon Janella," she walked away snobbing at everyone. She would've said something snarky to the manager, but she didn't want to face trouble with the woman's mother. The guidance counselor is a force to be reckoned with.

* * *

Tessie's hair is naturally light brown. She got the color from her father. The lightness of her hair color makes it easier to dye it without even having to bleach it, especially if it's a pretty strong color. That's why you can imagine the incredulous look on her face when she opened her eyes after the lengthy coloring session.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" She could hardly believe what she saw. Tessie looked as though she was about to ax someone.

"But ma'am, what's written in our order book is neon green. See, here." Without a doubt, what's written in a column beside Tessie's name is neon green.

"I asked you so many times, ma'am. I asked if you're sure it's the most flattering color –," the colorist explained.

" - And I said I'm a risk taker. But that isn't even my handwriting!"

"It really isn't yours, ma'am. We copied it from the computer system in which you placed your online booking," the manager interjected.

At that moment, Tessie remembered she hadn't closed that tab in the browser in the library computer. The internet connection suddenly disappeared, and she stupidly just closed the browser window as well before leaving.

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