Chapter VIII: Secrets

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"Secrets" by The Pierces


One by one, Vivienne went inside her sleeping children's room; she started with the eldest, Knox whose room was in the farthest corner of the house.

"Wake up. We have to go."

Knox looked at the time, it was 12:51 am.

"Mom, it's the middle of the night. Can't it wait 'til morning?"

She glared. His mom wasn't always this authoritative, but when she is, she'll truly be a force to be reckoned with. Upon receiving the sharp glare from his mother, Knox jolted awake and immediately packed up his favorite and important things.

"TWINS. Come, wake up. Pack your important things. Power banks, charger, phone, cash. Everything important. We gotta go."

"Huh. Why, mom?" Sam asked groggily.

"No time to discuss, Samantha. Just do it." Vivienne also gently woke up the sleeping Tobey beside Samuel.

The twins fell asleep with Tobey as they all had an Adam Sandler movie marathon. The twins quickly stood up to prepare. When they went down, they were confused as to why Vivienne led them towards a concealed door instead of simply going outside where Stellan is supposedly waiting. The door was obscured by the family tapestry in the living room. It isn't a simple door, however. The tapestry revealed a solid brick wall.

Why is mom doing the taps exactly how Hagrid did it?

"Come. I will explain everything once we get out of here."

They began walking in a dimly lit tunnel made of terracotta until they saw their bullet-proof Volkswagen Passat Estate. Stellan, the family driver, was waiting for them. They all went inside the car. After getting comfortable, Knox and Samuel dozed off because they were too sleepy. Vivienne made Tobey comfortable too. Meanwhile, Sam suddenly became worried and couldn't find it in her to just sleep. "Mom, where are we going really? Why do we have to be in such a hurry?"

"Wait a moment, I'll just call your father."

"Oh, we're meeting daddy there, huh. Sweet."

"Yes dear, now please just sleep." Sam just looked at Stellan and offered him a timid smile. She was sitting shotgun, her favorite spot. Stellan gave Sam a reassuring smile to try and ease her. Samantha however, couldn't place why Stellan seems to have pity behind his eyes; but in the end, she just decided to follow her mother's order to just sleep.

* * *

Coltrane has returned from Antique. He was calling Samantha's home phone, but he's only been receiving a pre-recorded message.

"Hello. Imperyal family. If you're receiving this message, we're most likely on vacation right now. Please just leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we're home. Thank you!"

"Where could they be?" Coltrane said to himself after listening to a pre-recorded message of Vivienne Imperyal. "Better call Tessie." He dialed the number and tapped his foot impatiently on the wooden floor of his luxury condominium. "Oh hi, Tess. Do you know where Sammy is? Is she with you? Can I talk to her? I just got back from Antique."

"She's not here, I guess. She said they were going somewhere. It has been planned by her parents because they're always too busy to really bond as a family. They're on a family outing, perhaps," Tessie replied from the other line.

"Does she not have other means of communication? I can't reach her phone."

"Strictly forbidden when on vacation with parents."

"I see. Okay, if you have contact with her, please tell me. Thanks, Tess. Bye."

* * *

Coltrane knocked at the door of the Student Council office. When he received a go-signal to enter, he opened the door. It's the semestral break but Coltrane still has to go back and forth to arrange his papers to truly be enrolled at the Manila branch of the school.

"Hey Xavier, have you seen Samantha around?"

"I haven't seen her since exams finished. Why?"

"I just have to tell her something. I thought she'd be here. Has she not returned to the school?"

"Nope. Is she not at home?"

"Answering machine."

"Ow. Maybe on vacation. I hope you guys fix your troubles soon." Xavier glanced at his watch. "Hey man, I have to pick up Priscilla. Bye, Colt. See you."

Coltrane searched in the library, asked her teachers, even her other friends whom he saw getting their clearances signed, but they all said they hadn't seen Samantha either. He got hungry searching for her, so he decided to go to the school café. There were no vacant tables inside so he was ushered to sit at the tables outside. He's carrying his food out and set it on the table. He's deep in thought again.

"Excuse me, sir, would you mind having your table shared? There are no vacant seats anymore,"
the waitress explained.

"Uhh, sure."

The waitress said her thanks and has given him a complimentary blueberry muffin for his trouble.

"Coltrane? I'm to share this seat with you?" To Coltrane's dismay, it was Frieda.

"Don't worry, I'll finish quickly if you don't want anyone bothering you while you eat." He said with just a little hint of sarcasm in his voice.

She ignored this, sat down and placed the food in front of her. "When did you return?"

"Earlier." he replied, his voice stoic.

"Why aren't you with Samantha?"

"She's out of town."

"Why do you seem so sad? Trouble in paradise, again?" Frieda touched Coltrane's hand. Because the table is quite small, Coltrane just couldn't remove his hand. Otherwise, the milkshake he's drinking might fall from his sudden movement.

"Excuse me." He stood up and went inside the café. He asked one of the staffs where the comfort room is even if he isn't going to pee. "Excuse me, where's the loo?" Obviously, he doesn't want his hands touched.

"Go straight, and it's the door to your left."

Outside, Frieda observed where Coltrane had gone. She opened her bag and took out a white substance and put it inside Coltrane's drink. When Coltrane went outside, Frieda pretended to continue eating her garden salad.

"Okay, Frieda. I gotta go." Coltrane quickly downed what remains of his drink and took his things with him, but he suddenly became very dizzy.

"Hey, are you alright?" Frieda stood up to assist the Coltrane when she saw him struggling to walk. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"No, Coco. I worry. My car is just nearby. I'll drive you home." He finally gave in even though he's resisting Frieda's help.

Though still groggy, Coltrane tried to rummage his pockets for an antidote, he's unsure what will happen, but he still drank it. The counter-drug worked within minutes just as they got inside Frieda's car.

"Why?" Coltrane asked seriously.

"Why, what?" Frieda asked, feigning innocence.

"Why did you drug me?" He asked again, this time with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Because you refuse to talk to me."

"You know why I do that. Why do you insist?"

Frieda knew that whatever she does inside her car wouldn't be seen outside because her car's windows are heavily tinted. She removed her hair ties and unbuttoned three of her blouse's buttons. Coltrane isn't looking at her because he's seated at the back. He finally decided it would be best if Frieda were to drive him home because he feels really exhausted from the long trip.

"I found out that you guys broke up," 
Frieda said seductively. She slowly made her way to the backseat where Coltrane lay, covering his eyes with his left arm.

"That's not true. Sam and I are fine. We just had a misunderstanding."

Frieda tiptoed her long fingers on Coltrane's chest. His eyes opened and tried to swat Frieda's hands. She is in front of him, hair down and the top buttons of her blouse open.

"Don't resist." She slowly inched closer to him to kiss him. Due to the small space in the back of her car, Coltrane couldn't move to escape from Frieda. She moved her hand down to his crotch area and started to caress it. Then it was like he was clay in her hands.

* * *

"Alexander. So nice of you to join us tonight. Sit, sit. Make yourself comfortable. We're all just playing cards here."

Alexander Imperyal sat down. He anxiously waited for the gamblers to finish.

"I would rather see you men play Russian roulette," said the elegantly dressed woman in a bored tone.

"Mademoiselle, I don't think that's such a splendid idea." The woman looked at the man who spoke and considered his advice for a moment. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oui. I guess you're right. It would be a shame to waste bullets on such imbeciles. Come along Pierre, I am bored. Entertain me with your queerness," the woman said airily.

Now, Alexander realized he's not just held captive by a French mafia, but also a temperamental woman with no remorse nor care to and for anyone around her.

Alexander woke up with a start, gasping for air; cold sweat coated his entire body. He remembered then and there that everything was fine until he got the darned package of red tulips on his birthday.

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