Chapter V: Viv & Alex

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"The Story of Us" by Taylor Swift


  Vivienne and Alexander Imperyal had had to pass through the proverbial eye of a needle before they succeeded. Even their union isn't favored by their own families.

Vivienne is from the line of the wealthy Mendez family of Spanish mestizo descent. Spaniards that migrated to Manila for trading. They also became politicians or got married to the politicians in the Philippines. Even after their political dynasty ended, they still held significant influence and power. They had many businesses that they divided today. The Mendez clan are tight when it came to money; if possible, they wouldn't even leave a huge inheritance of wealth and businesses to their next of kin, especially if they knew that it would be wasted on gambling and other vices. They had to work hard for their living. The reason behind not leaving an inheritance is simple – if the next generation of Mendez doesn't know how to make money through hard work, the heir will just waste the wealth many generations of Mendezes worked hard for.

This was also how Vivienne Mendez was raised; especially when it came to business. However, when she met Alexander Imperyal, everything changed.

* * *

Alexander Imperyal is from an upper-middle class family. They don't possess riches to be proud of unlike his wife Vivienne.

Alexander also descended from a line of wealthy family in the past. They lived in the province and own a hacienda. Life in that era was hard, and even though they were affluent, his abuelos and abuelas also had to work on their hacienda. They would still have been rich today if not for the father of Alexander's great-great-grandmother. The mestizo was a gambler. Whenever he loses in his gambling, he would pay a portion of land, livestock, and even horses. This is where the wealth has been wasted on. There were only enough lands left to construct houses on for the Imperyal children's own families.

This kind of family is loathed by the Mendez family. Despite the fact that it happened decades ago, the Mendezes were strictly traditional and conservative.

Even though fate didn't bring them together when they were younger, Vivienne and Alexander became classmates for their MBA during their early 20s. However, their closeness was disapproved by their families. That's why Alexander strived to get out of poverty. He served in the army for two years and eventually became a bodyguard of a French socialite. The socialite taught him the ways of the world and how to run a business empire. Alexander swore that before he turns 30 he'll have a face to show to Vivienne's family.

However, even though Alexander was keen to keep his promise, their communication has been severed. When he returned to the Philippines, he discovered he had a child with Vivienne: Knox Alexandre.

Vivienne's family was extremely outraged at first, but the young Knox had his grandparents wrapped around his little finger. Eventually, their hearts softened for the union of Alexander and Vivienne. One week after he returned, Alexander married Vivienne. Their ties may have been severed during the time he was away, but the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder proved to be true. Sure enough, Alexander made sure to make up greatly for the time he was away.

* * *

"Do we really have to move to a new place, Alex?"
Vivienne asked her husband. The party was long over, and there was only the two of them inside the library of their bedroom. She knew something was up when she saw her husband burning a letter and red tulips in the bin earlier.

"I believe so, yes, Viv," 
Alexander replied. "I know it must be difficult for you to go to and from your workplace. But you'd be happy to know that it's much quieter there than here."

Vivienne looked at her husband quizzically. She just knows there is something he's not telling her.

"You must have forgotten I don't work like that anymore. Is this move really for me - or you?"
Alexander paused and realized what it was that Vivienne just said, and how she reacted. "What about the kids? Their life is here."

"Their life is with us, Vivienne. Besides, if you worry about a wasted school year, their school has a distance learning program. And we can always just hire a private tutor and homeschool them!"
Alexander insisted. 

Vivienne looked like she was about to argue but she was cut swiftly when Alex placed a searing kiss on her lips. He picked her up bridal style leading up to their bed, all the while not breaking the kiss. They only briefly stopped catching their breath.

Every time she would try to say something, he silenced her with a kiss. This led to a night of steamy passion.

"You can't always win arguments like that, y'know,"
Vivienne said after their lovemaking.

Alexander chuckled. "Who says I can't?"

"Okay, I'll think this through. But, I have to talk to the kids first."

"No, don't. Not until everything's finalized."

He kissed her goodnight before sleep finally claimed them over.

* * *


Do I really have to leave again? I know my family needs me but...

But he knows he can't stay. He'd do anything for his family; even if it means he had to be away from them for an indefinite period of time, unsure if he's ever coming back in one piece. That became Alexander's motivation, otherwise, he'd lose.

If it's for the ones you love, you'll be willing to suffer and wait even for a long, long time. Even if it's hard.

Alexander had Vivienne slowly pack up in the past few days. Their packing includes important documents, family pictures, and clothes. They haven't told their children the plans on moving yet, but they had them pack up too. Vivienne reasoned they will just go on a vacation come semestral break.

Alexander's plane has arrived. He vaguely recalls his childhood when he wanted to go everywhere and travel the world. Now, however, he's getting tired just thinking about it. For a 47-year-old, Alexander still looks young. He's still handsome and smartly, and just with a few age lines adorning his gentle face. People would never think him as someone nearing his 50s. He says he owes it to his previous strict military regimen. He remembers those golden years in his life; that was when he and Vivienne would make the most of their secret rendezvous.

"This way, sir".

Alexander followed the man in front of him. They have arrived at the building. When they entered, he took notice of the gentlemen sitting in on the waiting area already waiting for him. He already knows who they are.

* * *

"Stellan, please take the things to the place where we'll go," Vivienne told the driver. For now, aside from Alexander, they're the only ones who know the destination.

Vivienne is exhausted. If only they could just pack up and live in a faraway place just to live in peace, she'd do it. It isn't extremely late for Tobey to adapt to a new environment. She's worried about Knox, Samantha, and Samuel; their lives are already established here.

"Kids! Bring down your things so Stellan can transport them already!"
Upon hearing her order, the kids brought down their large suitcases; they didn't pack light because they know that wherever they'll go, that's where they'll also be spending the Christmas holidays. That's how it is in their household. When their parents find great vacation spots away from their place of work, they also spend the longer holidays there.

"Why do we need to bring so many things?"
Samuel inquired.

It was one thing to spend the breaks in an undisclosed location, but another to quite literally bring your entire wardrobe with you – along with things for school.

"Because we need it, dear,"
his mother said simply.

When the last of the bags and suitcases were brought down, Stellan placed it in the back of the van and took off. It would be a long journey.

* * *

"Do I really have to go through this?"

"Bien sûr. That's how we know you're telling the truth," the man said with a slight French accent.

Alexander just sighed. Until now, they still haven't trusted him enough not to put him through a lie detector.  


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