P r e s e n t D a y

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" I Don't Miss You At All"  by Selena Gomez


 "And THEN, what did he do?!" Tessie irately asked her best friend, Samantha. Sam is currently bawling her eyes out because of what her jerk of a (now) ex-boyfriend Skye did to her.

Sam and Skye knew each other since they were eleven-year-olds. They started their courtship and became a couple when Sam was 14. The girl's father knew that it was only child's play and 'puppy love', so he let it be. 

"Do you know what he told me, Tess?" Sam wailed. "He broke up with me because apparently, Janella is more beautiful than me! And you know what he did? The shoes I asked him to buy for me using MY hard-earned money – he even gave it to Janella!"

Then, Sam sobbed again. She felt more upset now for the shoe money than Skye breaking up with her. It's just no point when the person just doesn't like you for petty reasons anymore; that shoe money was hard-earned. She saved it up while working for her father's company throughout summer, including weekends.

"Should I call the girls now?" Tess suggested. She got no response. "I think we should go to the mall, Sam. It's still daytime Sam, won't you come with me?" Samantha gave her an evil eye in response.

"Ayoko! You know I look like trash right now!" Sam cried. A few seconds later, she changed her mind. " But if you'll get me my oversized Prada glasses and scarf, I'll go. You'll drive," she finally said with a pout.

Tessie knew her best friend enough that retail therapy would cure her heartbreak, or at least she hoped it would distract Sam from it. She took the things from the dresser and handed it to Sam. After that, they went downstairs together.

Sam and Tess went to the mall, but their attempt at happiness was short-lived. Tessie didn't see who were there as she checked out a store and left Sam for a moment. Sam saw Skye with Janella in their favorite ice cream booth. What's worse is they saw her too. Before Sam broke down right then and there, she attempted to flee the scene. But, a waiter carrying a tray of soiled dishes accidentally knocked her and some of the leftovers got spilled on Sam's all-white clothes. The waiter apologized profusely, however, knowing it wasn't the waiter's fault, Sam offered to pay even for the broken dishes.

"Gosh, Sammy! What happened to you? I left you for a moment and you got yourself - OH."

Tessie saw Skye and Janella laughing at Sam as the poor girl tried to wipe herself clean. The worst part is, they're not even laughing at Sam's current state – the traitorous bastards managed to film the whole thing. Skye has a habit of wearing a GoPro wherever he goes, and now the video he has just taken was already being shared in their school's social circle. And it's trending. Not even because of the humiliating thing, but the influx of edited videos that are currently making rounds on the socials. Tessie was about to stomp her way over to where the two were standing, and she looked ready to gauge both of their eyeballs out until Sam stopped her.

"Tess let's go. There's no use. Let's just shop for clothes",
Sam said sadly.

"Yeah okay", even as her best friend nudged her forward, Tessie turned around to Skye and Janella and gave them the finger and a death glare, which silenced the two for a moment. She then proceeded to tell Sam where she went off earlier. " I discovered this new boutique near Leah's. They sell charm bracelets too."

It wasn't far; after three shops they finally got there. They immediately looked for a new outfit change for Sam. The store's theme is boho-chic, and the happy, trendy, and overall feel-good atmosphere brightened up the girls' moods.

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