Chapter IV: Put Your Head on My Shoulder

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"Put Your Head on My Shoulder" by Paul Anka


August 21

I was like a vegetable for four days.

Good thing, Xavier was prompt. Apparently, my blood sugar levels suddenly became so low. And I also had a fever of sorts. I'm fine now, though. Tessie told me that Coltrane always came to visit. He watches over me when my parents aren't around due to work. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. When I was still asleep, Coltrane and Knox alternated watching over me. Xavier also came over when I woke up.

I don't know what triggered this, but I think I might have had an anxiety attack too. I didn't eat the cakes or even drank the champagne back at the VIP lounge – I practically had nothing to eat when we opened the dance floor. Perhaps that's the reason why I fainted.

I did see something, though. I just I forgot what it was; the last thing I remember was Frieda's devilish eyes, and then I heard Xavier asking me if I was alright.

Events are still blurry.

Anyway, I feel slightly restored now. I can't wait for what this day will bring.

* * *

"You weren't the only unlucky one during the induction ball," Tessie said matter-of-factly. The girls were eating their favorite spaghetti tacos in the cafeteria while Sam waits for her boyfriend.

"Who else?" Sam asked although she wasn't in the least interested to find out who the others were.

"No other than Frieda and Janella," Tessie laughed. "Karma is a bitch. Have you heard that Frieda tripped near the chocolate fountain? She was soaked with chocolate and when she turned around, Janella got chocolate on her face and clothes too!"

"How's your hair?" Sam asked, changing the topic. There was something unsettling about Frieda, although she could not remember why she particularly dislikes talking about the girl today. 

"It's fine now. I don't need to wear a freaking wig anymore. I also finally had it colored in Auburn. It looks nice on me, don't you think?"

"Absolutely." It was Sam's first real smile today, and Tessie beamed as well. Much later someone tapped her shoulder. It was Xavier.

"Hey Samantha, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay now, thank God. And thanks Xavier, for helping me."

"It's nothing. I just came over to tell you that we have a meeting after the classes. It's for the upcoming intramurals."

"Oh sure. Is it with all the team coaches?"

"Nope. Not yet. Perhaps next week with them. This is for our fundraiser. Tessie, you're the business manager. I expect ideas from you too, later."

"No problemo, Supremo,"Tessie said with matching hand salute.

"Cool. Later, gals."

After Xavier left, Coltrane arrived at last. "What's he doing here?"

"Meeting later for the intramurals," Sam replied.

"Oh. Oks. How're you feeling today, meu anjo?" Coltrane asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Sam smiled appreciatively. Tessie silently signaled that she was leaving, and Samantha nodded before turning to Coltrane again. "- For everything."

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