Chapter II: Hidden Agenda

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"Mr. Brightside" by the Killers



The students, especially the juniors and seniors were dutifully studying their lessons as well as taking up advanced classes; they were working especially hard to pass national examinations not just for good records. Passing the national achievement tests would also mean a higher prospect of getting a chance at their dream schools. If they don't pass the achievement test, they can bid adieu to the recommendation letter from their school. Everyone's schedules were hectic; the school's mock examinations will be held in August, and the students' results would make an impact on their general average.

While everyone else is stressed, Sam just takes things slow; she knows she's capable enough to just review her lessons and rely on her stock knowledge. She thinks putting too much stress on herself will cause her to forget the things she was supposed to learn. She doesn't get too worked up on the exams, but she also dutifully attends her classes and even the advanced lessons she took for the achievement test. Coltrane and Sam's relationship was also going strong, despite the fact that she doesn't like Coltrane being close to Frieda too.

"Huy! Earth to Samantha!"Tessie gently waved her hand in front of Samantha's face.

"I'm just thinking of something," Sam replied.

"You're thinking about your love life again! Walang forever! Our grades are more important!"

"Sus. Don't be such a buzzkill, Tess. Maybe one day you'll find your own inspiration," Sam winked. Upon hearing this, Tessie playfully hit Sam's arm

"I'm serious! I'm a good girl, and I don't need a guy for 'inspiration'. Eck. When did you become this sappy?" Sam just laughed at Tessie's response.

"When in love... Tess," she chuckled.

"Whatever, Sam."

"Bon jour, mademoiselle." A male voice.

"Bon jour. Have you achieved what I asked of you?" replied the woman with a French accent.

"Oui, mademoiselle", the male voice affirmed.

"Très bien. Keep up the excellent work."

"Merci, mademoiselle."



"Hey, Samantha! Wait up!"

When Sam heard the voice, she stopped from walking. She was already halfway to the cafeteria, and Xavier's call came from quite a distance. Xavier finally caught up with her, panting and sweating from running.

"Oh, hi, Xavier. Why? You look terrible."

"Well yes, I've been looking everywhere for you." Sam wiped his sweat using a handkerchief. She hates the sight of sweat, dirt, and unclean places; it's sort of her OCD to clean up. She also gave Xavier the spare bottled water she brought with her. She gave it to him as a sort of 'thank you' for the last time he showed her an act of kindness, despite the fact that she had been unnecessarily mean to him.

"Thanks," Xavier said still catching his breath.

"You're welcome. Why were you looking for me?"

"Because I like you –" he paused to drink some water and catch his breath."- I'd like to take you as my Vice President for the Student Council," Xavier continued.

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