Chapter VII: Truth

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"Honesty" by Billy Joel


The intramurals have ended after nearly ten days; the rain has caused some games to be halted for a day or two. Coltrane won the MVP award and the athlete of the year. He didn't go to the awarding ceremony, though. He knew Samantha wasn't going to come anyway. Their team, the Purple Chimera became the overall champion. Next was Samantha's team Green Hydras; in third place was Xavier's team, Red Sphinx. The last place was the Yellow Griffins. The winning team was exempted from the P.E. examinations and were given an additional two points on their report cards for their final grade. This would only apply to the specific subject of their teacher/leader, and not to the overall general average.

Only a day before Coltrane leaves and Samantha still hasn't talked to him.

"Sammy, why don't you want to talk to me? I left five messages on your voicemail last night. Why? This silent treatment is killing me," he said when he caught her near the village park. He was about to go to their house, but he figured that he would just wait for her to go outside since she might pretend not to be at home. It might be his lucky day.

"Talk to me when you get back from Antique. Perhaps by then, I'm fine to talk to."

"I didn't tell you first, but it kinda just slipped out when Knox and I were playing Assassin's Creed!"

"You think I'm mad about that?!"

Samantha's tears were threatening to fall, but she forced herself to keep it together. Coltrane's confusion was evident on his face. If she wasn't upset about Knox being told about his departure first, then what could she possibly be mad about? The time he asked her out for dinner, that's when he would have told her about his departure, but she invited him to have dinner at her house instead. He just sort of forgot about it – and since it slipped in his and Knox's conversation, there was no use to beat around the bush at dinner time.

"If not that, then what?"

"Think back. I won't do the thinking for you."Sam took a deep breath. "I think we should take a break while you prepare for Antique, maybe when you get back we could talk." It was a good thing there weren't many people in the village park. Sam wouldn't want to break things up if there were other people around.

There was slight relief in Coltrane's face upon hearing Sam's words which were vague; he can definitely find loopholes in her statement and maybe woo her back.

"So, you're not breaking up with me? We're merely on hiatus?"
He said, a slight smile gracing his face.

"If you put it that way, maybe, yes. I won't talk to you for the time being, and if you stray -"

" - Stray? Is that what you thought I did?" Sam remained quiet and stoic, but she kept her head high.

"You're jealous again! While I love it when you get jealous, please talk to me. Don't treat me like this, Sam."

Coltrane kneeled in front of Samantha.

"Don't do that. Stand up."

"Not unless you -"

"SAMANTHA!!!" The two of them turned to look at who shouted Sam's name. Saved by the best friend. Sam looked grateful for the distraction.

"Come on!" Tessie said mockingly. "You're still having your shoelaces tied?!" Tessie walked towards them so Sam just laughed sheepishly and bid Coltrane goodbye.

"Bye Coltrane. See you around."

The two girls walked away from Coltrane, but Tessie could sense something was up.

"What was that, Sam?" Tessie inquired.

"Nothing you should be worried about."

"It is not 'just nothing'! Spill!"

Sam took a deep breath again. "What really happened at the victory party?"

"Victory party? Why? Both of you didn't show up there."

"I mean at the Induction Ball, not the party after the Intramurals."

"Well, for starters –" Tessie began. She took a pause as if to think of what to tell Samantha the events after she passed out. If she didn't word things properly, Sam might literally go ballistic on the she-devils that pulled a prank on Tessie. "- Janella, actually pulled my wig revealing my glorious neon green hair. It was during a really rough dance. She was given some sort of punishment to make up for that bullying. You may have heard she was pulled out from representing their team as a muse, and she won't get a plus 2 in her grades even though their team won."

"What else?"

"Xavier brought you to the clinic. Coltrane looked panic-stricken, and Frieda was pushed towards the chocolate fountain. Disastrous for the both Janella and Frieda, I know,"
Tessie laughed remembering the memory from the induction ball.

"Why didn't you tell me Janella did that to you?"

"You weren't quite yourself back then. I didn't want to bore you with my incessant chatter, OR have you strangling Janella."

"Aww, thanks, Tessie."

"So aren't you going to tell me what happened earlier?"

"No. At least not yet."

Tessie sighed. Her best friend will not open up to her until she's ready. "Fine."

* * *

At the school's café, Coltrane was drinking espresso to chill. He still doesn't get why Samantha suddenly became cold towards him. He was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that Frieda came over and sat down in the chair in front of him.

"I heard you were leaving. Trouble in paradise, Coco?"

"Yes. But we'll be alright. Listen, Frieda, as much as I love being your friend again like when we were kids, I'd rather stay away from you than to lose Samantha."

"Well, I'm not asking you to leave her, am I?"

"No. But it's for the best. It was nice seeing you again after all these years. Goodbye." Coltrane quickly drank what remains of his espresso. After he left, Frieda smiled, a plan formulated in her little evil head.

* * *

"Sam, it's Coltrane. I'll be back in Manila soon. I know it's a bit late now, but I missed a flight to Antique and had to go by bus and then ship instead. Anyway, I hope to see you within a week or so. I have the best news." He paused a while because he was boarding the ship. Samantha could hear the background noise. "I love you."

It was the first time Sam heard him tell her that he loves her. Her heart skipped a beat, and her stomach did some backflips and somersaults. Sam wasn't sure if whatever she discovered from the night of the induction ball was accurate, but she felt cheated because of it. This was the reason she suddenly became cold towards Coltrane. This was the reason why she got upset that night when they were having dinner at her house. She remembered the memory of Frieda kissing him just moments before she passed out.

* * *

"Are you telling me zhat you're losing her?" It's the French woman again. She's speaking to someone over the phone. "If someone gets in zhe way, kill zhem! Vhat do you mean you can't?!" By now she's fuming and sounds murderous. Whenever she's mad, her French accent shows and it makes her words in English sound more menacing than it already is. Anyone who could see her right now will probably immediately run in fear.

"Okay, I understand zhat it's not zhat easy. You're lucky I trust your uncle. You have not yet failed me, but be very careful. Do vhat you think is necessaire. Tchao."

* * *

"Hello, Vivienne?"

"Alexander! Punyeta. You had us all worried. What's wrong with you? Why won't you call sooner?" Vivienne was fuming; it's been nearly two weeks and Alexander just called. He doesn't even have social media accounts which make it harder for him to contact.

"I'm sorry, Viv. I tried calling, but the reception is terrible here. I'm still on business. How're they?"

"We're prepared for anything. How about you? How are you?" She replied worriedly.

"I'm fine, Vivienne," he said. "Don't worry about me. Go with Stellan any time. Especially once you think it's time."

"Oo na, Alex. But how about you? We need you too. When are you coming back?"

"I don't know, Viv. Just keep safe, please. I have to go now. I love you."

"I love you too, Alex. Be safe." Vivienne placed the phone down. She's thinking whether or not to tell her children about their plans.

No. Not yet. It isn't the right time.

* * *

"Pourquoi?" he said. The man had olive-colored skin, bald, but was strangely attractive. He had the allure of mystery about him. However, when you get to know him, you'll realize he is rather flamboyant. The French woman looked at him quizzically. "Why do you want to get him so much?"

"You will never understand," she replied.

"I want to know if we're doing something for a worthy cause."

"Zhen leave! I don't need you to be around. I don't pay you to criticize my decisions!"

"Et pourquoi non? You need sane and sound advice sometimes!"

"You will never understand because you weren't the one betrayed!"

The woman threw her old-fashioned whiskey glass and it narrowly hit the man she was talking to.

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