Chapter IX: Cheats

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"I Come Apart" by A$AP Rocky ft. Florence Welch


"Frieda, why did you even do that yesterday? It's disgusting."

"Oh hush, Coco. I know you loved it. And I looooved it as well. Would you like a repeat?"

"NO! And stop calling me Coco! I am not your friend anymore. If you really had been my friend, you will know to respect my boundaries!" 

Coltrane was about to leave the unfamiliar luxurious room he was in with Frieda, but she has the door locked. door locked. Her house is equipped with technology which either obeys voice commands or other controls for opening and closing things. As turning the knob again and again was futile, Coltrane became frustrated. "Frieda, unlock the door. Don't make me want to hurt you!"

"Then hurt me! That's all you ever did since you left!"

"Frieda, that was almost a decade ago. Can't we move past that? II have a girlfriend now, and I'd rather wait until we get married before we do mature things."

"I'll have you know, whatever it is that you're thinking, nothing happened between us yesterday, you passed out before I was even able to do anything."

"Then where are we? Why did you even bring me here?"

"My house. I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what? I have no time for your games, Frieda!"

The two of them are so close now. He got Frieda cornered and could easily strangle her if he wanted to.

"Samantha will not be studying here anymore! I saw their help at the office. I heard that she and her brother switched to the distance learning program of the school. Maybe she left that's why you couldn't find her anywhere! And to top it off, you've already broken up!"

"We have not!"

"She would never have left if you were still together. Her family is more important than you, Coco. She would never leave them even if you were to marry." She cupped his face with her hands. "Come back to me."

She slowly inched her way to Coltrane's neck and planted kisses and made down her way to his chiseled torso.

Coltrane just stood there as though he was a frozen statute - starting at the wall. It was as though his world came crashing down on him. He was not responding to anything. He has fallen into a catatonic state – like in a heightened state of meditation; he hadn't even blinked. He was there without being there. Engulfed by a state of emotion that made his body feel numb; not with pain or happiness, but an absolute nothingness. Blank, but it feels like anesthesia and he didn't want to get out of that state.

"Coltrane?" Frieda said worriedly. She expected a response from him. If not kiss her back, try to drive her away. She has already seated both of them, but even though he was sitting down, his eyes were expressionless. They were devoid of any emotion, like he was in a single perfect moment, at trance– like the very one they talk about in Buddhism.

Whatever she did, there was no response from him, not even when she waved her hands in front of his face. The only thing she thought that would wake him up from this trance is by kissing him. 

"Coltrane, please."

Frieda still received no response; so she did what she long wanted to do. She kissed him on the lips.  Soft at first. Then hungry and desperate when she got no response.

- - -

Coltrane had suddenly forgotten where he was; it was like he left all his earthly ties and just achieved that single perfect moment and he achieved enlightenment. He forgot where his life had gone wrong, why he was in such a complicated relationship. All he felt was freedom. But there was a voice that was constantly nagging him, he ignored it at first because he was in such a beautiful place. However, as the voice got louder and louder, almost begging for him to return, he found it harder to ignore, especially when he felt something soft touched his lips.

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