Chapter 1000

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This is like longer than it was meant to be for a sort of filler oops.

His interview was today. All throughout his lessons he was fidgeting and staring at the clock. He had to leave at 2:15 so he had enough time to get there, and just avoid being bullied or hit until then.

Phil had made sure he looked extra presentable in the morning, someone that people would want. He had everything he needed to get there, he just literally had to get there.

He had planned it all out though, how he would stay safe from his bullies. He had asked Mr Dawson, his English teacher and the only one was wasn't homophobic at his school, if he could be in his room at lunch with him to 'help' with anything he needed. Mr Dawson has said yes straight away, knowing Phil had his interview and that he didn't want to get beaten up especially today. It was sweet of him really, the other teachers might talk about him behind his back because of him helping. And for being a nice human being. But anyway. It was also very lucky he had English third period right before lunch.

When Phil walked in for his lesson he caught Mr Dawson's eye and smiled at him, and he smiled back. He took his place near the front where he was safest from everyone and pulled out his books. They were studying Lord of the Flies, and Phil hated it, it just wasn't interesting to him, but then again, he was only on the third chapter, and he had been told it only picked up around the late fifth.

"Enjoying the book?" Mr Dawson asked in his strong Scottish accent.

"Honestly Sir? No, it's really boring at the moment," Phil said truthfully.

"I agree, it only gets interesting when people die, I hate studying it again and again," Mr Dawson agreed.

"You've only been here two years,"

"Exactly." Phil laughed.

Mr Dawson was a nice teacher, quite young, looked about his early twenties with dark brown hair, green eyes and a thin black-brown beard. He also had decent dress sense for a teacher. The other students started to file in (Phil was early of course) and Phil started to read more of his book, which honesty, was still really dull.

"Right class, time for a lot of boredom but we have no choice to do this, so just, well, how far has everyone got?" Sir asked and the lesson began.

Phil didn't really take any of it in. He tried, but it was just so monotonous he couldn't help it. It was that Sir was a bad teacher, it's just the topic was so boring he couldn't help it. When the bell rang Phil packed up slowly, and when everyone else rushed out the room, Phil stayed.

"So Phil, you are here offering help?" Mr Dawson asked him.

"Yeah I am,"

"Look I know you are hiding, and that's fine with me," he said, shutting the door. "I hate everyone at this school for their views on homosexuality. It's not a bad thing and I hate how they treat you. So feel free to hang in here more often. Or try the library, and sit in the corner, it's blocked off most of the time from view," He suggested.

"Thanks sir, and I agree, but hey, if this interview goes well at least I won't be here next year," he smiled.

"Are you nervous?" Sir asked.

"A bit," Phil replied, fidgeting again.

"That's okay, but you shouldn't be. You are a great person Phil, and an excellent student, I don't know how they won't want you. What time do you have to go?"

"Quarter past 2, I'm gonna get the bus and then walk the rest," Phil said and Sir nodded.

"Good. Have you got the reference I gave you, and your grades?" He asked.

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