the day he left

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the next morning I wake up to the alarm going off. I thought I had work but I remember what day it was. it was the day for Kevin to going to when your tour with a day to remember. I was really upset. I put on my jeans baggy t-shirt put my hair out of my face and put a little Bit cover up on with mascara. after I left the bathroom Kevin wraps his arms around me.

"Im really gonna miss you." He said

"Stop I'm gonna cry."

"I'll save it for the airport then"


I helped him put his bags in the car. After i put his first bag in I turned around and he had a big smile on his face.


"nothing just starring at something beautiful."


we finish putting the bags in the car.

He gets in the drivers seat., so i decided to take a picture of us he saw me taking it so one he smiled at me a then he made a funny face.

It felt like the drive to airport was to short. We get there and i see Jeremy and Neil.

Neil comes running up and hugs me. A couple minutes later josh and Alex show up. Me Kevin and Neil decided to go get some coffee before the planes ready.

"So are you gonna miss him?" Neil asks

"yes alot. I dont know what im gonna do at night without him."

"You have my dogs and your cats."

"i know its just gonna be weird."

"ill be home sooner then you think we are gonna Skype and talk or text everyday. You have Alexis to hangout with and you can fly your sister and her kids down."

Then all of a sudden we heard

"flight 219 to London England now boarding."

"we gotta get back to the rest of the boys." Neil says

We go back and the rest of the boys say goodbye to everyone. Then it was me and Kevin.

"so dont have to much fin with.out me. Promise?" he said as i started to cry a little. He pulled me into a hug.

"i promise." I felt something wet on my shoulder. he pulled me in tighter and kissed my forehead.

"i love you to infinity" he said

"i love you too and beyond" he gave the girl his ticket walked into the walk way and right before he was about to turn he waved goodbye i so did i and i started to burst into tears. i just looked out the window and i watched his plane take off. i said I love you and just walked away

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